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Lisa's POV

My sister is downstairs, the last time i saw her was when we were trying to escape miss watson and her seeing me falling down the stairs. I hate that she had to watch her older sister and only family to die in front of her.

Chae grab my hand as we walk out of her room, I'm glad that Chae is here because i can't do this alone.

I know this has to be hard for Yeri being in this house after what happened here.

We walked down the crwaky stairs and into the living room.

I see the back of a woman's head. Chae pulls me to sit on the couch.

I looked at her face, it looks like Yeri but older. She looks exactly like our mother.

"Sorry for barge in here like this." Yeri said and shake her head.

She still sounds the same.

"No I'm glad you come over." Rosé said giving her a small smile.

"I know i should leave it alone it's none of my business but that poor child she doesn't deserve it." I looked at Yeri trying not to cry. "I feel like i need to do something to help her."

"I'll help you in any way i can." Rosé said.

I see Yeri's eyes wondering around in the house almost like she can't believe that she is here in this house again.

"Sorry." She shakes her head. "I never thought that I'd come to this house again."

"I know. It must be hard for you." Rosé said softly.

"There's a lot of memories in this house. Almost all of them are bad, but still i see my older sister in every part of this house." Yeri said.

Rosé squeezed my hand.

"Chae can i talk to you for a minute?" I asked and Rosé nods.

"I'll be right back." Rosé said and heads into the kitchen. I followed.

"Maybe we should tell her that I'm still here." I said.

"She won't believe me. She will hate me for mocking her." She said shaking her head.

"Please Rosie.." i beg. I want my sister to know I'm still here.

"Okay." Rosé whispered.

I hug her tightly. "Thank you." I said.


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