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Chaeyoung's POV

She looks at me hopeful.

"I would but I will understand if you don't want to. This gift you were given, you need to make a choice. Either accept it or run away. The choice is yours."

"The girl who lives in my house" I started, "I don't want her to leave me." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"I know dear." She gives me a small smile. "But she has already died a long time ago. If you don't help her maybe some bad things happen to her. Do you love her enough to do what's best for her?"

I nod try not to cry.

"How do I help you?" I asked her.

"Only you know." She shrugged.

I get up and walked over to the desk and grabbed a pen and paper.

"Here, right a letter to her." I said and gave her the paper.

She grabbed the pen and started writing. She was crying.

"Okay... here..." she hands me the paper.

She stands up and hug me. "Thank you child."

I hug her back "you're welcome."

I see Jennie's mom walk in.

"Hello Rosé I didn't know you were still here." Jennie's mom said.

"Yeah, I was about to leave."

She come and sit on the chair.

"How's school?"

"Great." I said and sat on the chair.

She stopped smiling.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Nothing. That was my husband's mother's chair. Nobody has sat in it since she died." She said.

"Oh I'm sorry." I said standing up. "
what's this?"

I grabbed the piece of paper, acting like it was on the chair.

I hand her the paper.

"Let me see." Sne said.

She started reading it. She holds a hand on her mouth and tears falling uncontrollably.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"How did I not notice this letter in the chair??... it's from my mother in law." She said.


"I always thought she hated me.. but... but.." she shook her head. "She said that I was the perfect girl for her son. She is proud of me to call me her daughter and thankful that I gave  her a wonderful grandchild like Jennie and hiw sorry she is for how she treated me for all those years. I'm a strong, kind, warm hearted person. Take care of my son and Jennie. I'll see you all again one day. I love you all." Jennie's mom finished the letter and started crying again.

I give her a hug.

"Thank you." She whispered. "I need to call my husband."

She walks out of the room.

I looked at Jennie's grandmother who is smiling.

"Thank you." She told me.

"What happens now?" I asked.

"I'm going to move on." She said.

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

"No.. go home to her.. cherish the time you two have together." She smiled.

I walked over to the door and open it, I give her one last smile before went out.


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Love you all....💜💜💜💜

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