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Chaeyoung's POV

How am i going to convince Yeri that her dead sister haunts this house? She will either thinks I'm crazy or playing with her emotions. But i will do this for Lisa.

We walk back in the living room and sit on the couch.

"I need to tell you something." I said  to Yeri.

"Yes you can tell me anything." She said.

"You are not going to believe me but please hear me out." I breathed out and look at Lisa who give me a small smile.

Then i started.

"When i moved into this house i didn't know what happened here. But i knew something bad happened here. I would heard noises but i choose to ignore it. Until one day I feel something was off and went into the basement only to find out a girl with brown eyes and bangs staring at me in shock." I said and finally looked up at her and she looked confused. "I first thought she broke into my house. But my aunt she couldn't even saw her when she was standing next to me. She told me her name us Lisa."

I can't tell if she mad or sad, her face is blank.

"Why are you saying this?" Yeri said and took a deep breath.

"Because it's true and she told me to tell you." I said.

"This is not funny." Now Yeri is getting mad.

"I can prove it to you." I said. "She loves Disney stories, her favourite colour is yellow, she has the cutest smile that can make anyone's day better."

I cam say Yeri isn't convinced, but Lisa is looking at me.

"Tell her that our first foster parents name is Patrick and Samantha. They have a hamster named Pumpkin. Her favourite character is Peter Pan. She has a scar on her right because Eva cut her hand." Lisa said.

I told these exact things to Yeri.

She looked shock. "H-how d-did you k-know about t-this?"

"Lisa told me."

"Lisa told you?!" She shook her head and sighed.

"She is sitting next to me." I mumbled.

Lisa stands up all of a sudden, took a pillow from the couch and throw it across the room and moved the coffee table.

Yeri screamed and covered her mouth.

"D-did you see that?" She whispered.

"Yeah. It is Lisa." I said.

"Ghosts are not real." Yeri said closing her eyes tightly.

"I used to think so until I moved here." I said.


40 votes for this chapter. I already wrote two more chapters but I will publish it while the 40 votes completed.

I love you all 💕💕💕.

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