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Chaeyoung's POV

Maybe someone playing trick on me because theres no way I can see ghosts. What do I do now? I can't tell about this anyone about this, or they will assume that I am crazy or making it up. But what if that girl hurts me? She didn't seem like the type but I've hard the stories. What if those are true? Maybe I should go and talk to her.

I look at the clock and it's almost 5 in the morning. I make my way to the basement trying to be quite so I don't wake up aunt Lora. I'm standing in front of the basement door debating if this is a right move or not.

I reach from the door knob and open the door, turning the lights on I walk down the stairs. I look around and see the girl asleep on the couch. At least one of us asleep, but if I can't then she's not going too at least until I get some answers.

I walk over to her and crouch down so we are face to face. She looks so peaceful. I almost don't want her to wake up. I poke her face and she scrunched her nose.

"Hey ghost girl wake up." I said.

She opened her eyes and jumped up.

"What the-- what are you doing here?" She said in shock.

"What am I doing? You're in our basement." I said. She rubs her eyes and sit up.

"You're not going to throw anything at me right?" She asked me.

"I can't promise." I shrugged and sit down but keep distance.

We both sat their staring at each other.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked her.

"I just can't believe that you can see me."

"Okay is this some kind of trick that everyone playing on me?"

"No of course not."

"But how can I see you but my aunt can't?"

"I honestly don't know why only you can see me." She said and I can tell she is telling the truth.

"Are you going to hurt me?" I don't know why I asked her that.

She looked at me with sincere eyes "I would never hurt you."

"Good. So why are you like haunting my house?"

"Its a long story" she sighs sadly.

"Fine, but you need to tell me eventually."

"I will."

"You haven't been like spying on me while I'm changing or bathing?" I asked her. She is blushing now.

"No. I'm not a pervert." She laughed.

"So you don't come into my room at all?" I asked.

"Uh.. well I do go into your room once in a while and sit." She said nervously while looking down.

"Yah! I knew it! You watch me sleep."

"Sometimes but mostly just sit there and enjoying the company."

"Okay Edward Cullen don't do that again. It's a little creepy." I tell her.

"Okay." She nodded blushing a little.

"Oh and what's your name by the way?" I asked her.

"Lisa." She smiled. She has a cute smile.

"I'm Chaeyoung, but you probably know that."

"Nice to officially meeting you." She chuckles.

"I'm not dreaming am I?"

"No you're not." She said with a small smile.

"Okay I'm not trying to freak out about all of this." I say taking a deep breath.

"I understand. Have you always been able to see ghosts?" Lisa asked.

"No. I guess you're my first." I said and blushed.

"A first ghost is always special." She smirks and I try not to laugh.

We sit there in silence.

"You better start getting ready for school." Lisa said looking up at the old clock in the basement.

"Yeah. Okay... I'll see you later then... I guess." I tell him.

"I'll be here." I heard her say as I walked up the stairs.


A Girl Who Lived In My House (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now