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Chaeyoung's POV

Me and Jennie go to some coffee shop in the town.

"Do you like coffee?" Jennie asked me.

"That's all I drink." I said.

We ordered our coffee and sat down in a booth.

"So are you liking it here?" Jennie asked.

"Yeah I am." Even though I said it, still i felt homesick.

"Bet you're homesick."

"Yeah but it's getting easier."

"Me, you and Irene have a sleepover soon." She said excitedly.

"Yeah that would be fun." I said but hopping it would be at her's or Irene's house since I do live with a ghost.

"Maybe this weekend?" She said hopefully.

"Umm sounds good."

"And don't let Irene get to you about your house. Jisoo is right that there is no such thing as ghost, plus those theories must be exaggerated." Jennie said.

"Yeah. The house doesn't scare me."

"Good." She smiled.

"So are you and Seulgi together?" I asked her trying to make a conversation.

"He wishes but no we are just friends."

"O" is that all i said.

"So do you like Jisoo?"

I automatically blushed. "I don't know her that well. She seems nice."

"She seems to really like you." Jennie said almost sadly.

"I don't know why, there's nothing special about me." I accidentally said out loud.

Shut up Chaeyoung.

"Oh please you're the mysterious new girl in the town, plus you're sweet and quirky." She said trying to made me feel better.

"Thanks." I give her a smile.

"I'll text Irene about this weekend, it will be fun. We will watch movies and  eat foods." She said excitedly.

"That sounds fun I never have a sleepover."

"It will be really fun."


"I'm home" I yell.

I plopped on the couch.

"Hey" Lisa said and sat next to me.

"Hey" I greeted back.

"Good day at school?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah same old same old."

"You're back home late today."

"Yeah. I went out to a coffee shop with a girl named Jennie. The black haired girl you're asking."

"Oh. Did you have a great time?"

"Yeah. She is actually really nice." I said. "We have a sleepover these weekend."

"Here?" Lisa asked worriedly.

"I think so."

"Well when you all start to ghost stories , I'll start moving the stuff around and freaks them out." Lisa said and smirked.

"Not funny." I try not to laugh.

"But seriously what do girls do in sleepovers?" She asked.

"I don't know. I never have one."

"Me too." Lisa said. "I wonder of those pillow fights a myth." She smirked.

I grabbed a couch pillow and hit her with it.

"Ow" she laughs looking at me in shock that I did that.

"I thought you wanted to have a pillow fight." I smirked.

"O it's on. Bring it on." She said and grabbed a pillow. I squealed and run to my room.

"You can't catch me." I yelled as I run up the stairs.

I heard her laugh. As she she chased after me......



I'll update if this chapter have at least 15 votes.

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