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Chaeyoung's POV

I walked into the coffee shop and saw Jisoo and Jennie sitting one of the table.

"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late." I greet them.

"Yo. No big deal we just gotten here." Jisoo said.

I smiled at seeing Jensoo holding hands.

"What did you need to talk with us?" Jennie asked while sipping her coffee.

I laughed nervously don't know how to start. "Umm I know this going to be sound really weird and uhh.." I scratched my nape.

"Rosé you can tell us anything we are your friends." Jisoo said.

"How weird can it be.." Jennie laughs.

"Well I have been researching a lot about my house and trying to know the real story and umm..."

"Huh what?" Jennie asked confused.

"You know the story Irene told me." I said.

"Yeah." Jennie nodded.

"Well it's not true." I blurted out.

"That figures.." Jisoo said and shook her head.

"What is the real story then??" Jennie asked.

"There were these two siblings both are girls, went to this woman who was living in my house. That woman always shows everyone how saint she was but actually she was a horrible person. She used to beat and torture those siblings and other foster kind, even some of the them died. One day the siblings tried to ran away but that woman caught them and stab both of them. She pushed the older sibling down the stairs resulting her to death by breaking her neck, but the other girl survived." I finished.

They both are shocked not knowing what to say.

"Umm how did you found out this?" Jennie asked.

"I talked to the survived girl. She told me everything." I said.

"Wow, I didn't know she actually alive. I thought she is dead." Jisoo said not believing it.

"So you went and talked to her?" Jennie asked again.


"So that's what actually happened in your house." Jisoo said to herself.

"But that's not the only reason I called you guys." I said.

"What is it?" Jisoo asked.

"Well I need your help."

"Tell us it's we owe you one Rosé." Jennie said and smiled.

"Well I need you guys to drive me to that woman so I can talk to her." I said looking down.

"So let me uhh get to this straight. You want us to take you to the lady who killed that girl and other kids ,so you can talk...." Jisoo said and looked at me like I'm crazy.

"Why would you want to do that??" Jennie asked.

"The survived girl Yeri wants my help. There's a little girl living with that woman and Yeri and me, we both wants to save that girl from that demon Miss Eva." I sighed.

"We will help you don't worry." Jennie said and give my hand a squeeze.

"What!? Are you serious!!??" Jisoo looking at her like she is crazy.

"Do you want her to go alone!?" Jennie glared at Jisoo.

Jisoo gulped before saying, "hehehehe.. n-no.. we are all going. Uhmm.. you're scary Jennie."

We laughed at Jisoo.

"But when?" Jisoo asked again.

"Now actually.." I give them a weak smile.

"Let's go then." Jennie said.

"Yeah let's go to the crazy lady's house who killed teens." Jisoo muttered under her breath.


A Girl Who Lived In My House (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now