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Chaeyoung's POV

Morning comes quicker than I thought. I really don't want to go to school. I am really nervous. I don't like meeting new people and not going to enjoy being the new kid in the school. I hate when people stare at me.

After I get dressed for school, went downstairs to the kitchen. Aunt Lora is already awake and drinking coffee.

"Good morning" she greets me.

"Morning" I gave her a small smile as I poured myself some coffee.

"Are you excited for the first of your new school?" She asked and I shrugged in response.

"Its going to be okay. Try to talk to your classmates." She said and give me a small smile.


"Now I gotta go for work. Bye." She said and left for her work.

I take a big gulp of my coffee and put my mug into the sink. Then I heard footsteps, it must be aunt Lora. She probably forget something.

"Forger something?" I asked but she didn't answer, but I hear movements.
"I can hear you, you know." But still nobody answered. I turn around but didn't see anything. I look up at the clock and it's time for me to go to school. It's an old house, the noises was probably the house settling or at least what aunt Lora told me.

I start walking to my new school. It only took me about 10 mins but it was nice out so I didn't mind.

I walked up to the entrance of the school. The school isn't that big. Theres some kids in front of the stairs. I keep my head down not wanting any eye contact.

I walked to the office. A nice looking old lady looked up to me.

"Hello, are you new?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." I answer.

"I thought so. I knew every kid in here. It's a small school." She said smiling.

"What's your name?"

"Rosanne Park."

"Okay. Here's your schedule. I hope you have a great first day. If you need anything let me know." She politely said.

"Thank you." I said and give her a smile. Then I walk to my first class.

I walked up to the door. I really don't want to go in there. I took a deep breath and open the door. Everyone's eyes on me like they haven't seen a new person in the school before.

"Hello you must be Rosanne Park." The teacher said. I looked at the board to find out his name is Mr. Kim.

"Yes sir." I said and looked down to my feet.

"Why don't you take a seat." He told me. I look up and notice an empty chair besides a girl who is looking at me like I'm some disgusting bug. I sit beside her.

I feel people look at me once in a while, but I continue to look at the board. The bell ring everyone starts to pack up their things. The girl beside me quickly leaves probably fearing I'll try to talk to her.

I felt a tap on my shoulder that made me jump. I turned around and see a girl who has deep brown almost black hair, big doe brown eyes, heart shaped cute lips and a breathtaking smile. I'm sure all the guys and girls go crazy for her here.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She chuckled.

"You didn't." I tell her.

"I'm Kim Jisoo. Nice to meet you Rosanne." Shr puts her hands out for a hand shake.

"You can call me Rosé." I give her a small smile.

"Okay Rosé." She smiles at me and I nodded in response.

"I actually saw you at the pizza parlour at the other night." Then I remember she was the girl I was staring at the parlour and she caught me staring.

"Oh yeah" I try not to blush.

"Well I better get going. But I'll see you later." She smiles and walked out.

Finally its lunch time and I debating if I go to the library and eat. As I grab my tray I saw Jisoo is waving at me to come and joined her and her friends.

I waved back go to her and go to their table, try not to make any eye contact with the jocks or cheerleaders.

"Hii" I said awkwardly as I reached their table. Jisoo pats the seat next to her.

"This is Rosé, she is new." She said.

"Well duh, we have never had a new student before so of course we know she's new. Everyone been talking about it all day." One of the girls said and I gulped thinking about everyone talking about me.

"I'm Seulgi" the girl in front of me said smirking.

"Hi" I said.

"Jennie" the girl next to her says. She has black hair and cat eyes. She had cute fluffy cheeks.

"And that's Irene" Jennie points at the girl who told me everyone is talking about me. She is on her phone but gives me a wave without looking at me. "And there the couple who are making out is Joy and yeri."

"Nice to meet you guys."

"Where are you from?" Seulgi asked.

"Melbourne, Australia" I told them.

"I have been there for a couple of times and its beautiful." Jennie said.

"Why did you move here?" Jisoo asked. I don't really like to talk about it.

"Just needing a fresh start." I said.

"Well you're going to love it here." Jennie said with a gummy smile. She is really friendly.

"I hope so" I said

"We you have already made friends." Jisoo nudges my shoulder.

I smile a little.


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