The End

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Chaeyoung's POV

I couldn't be in this house without Lisa. It reminds me so much of her and my aunt also don't want to be here anymore since Miss Watson died here.

Aunt Lora ended up getting frustrated and we need to move out of this house. I don't want to leave my friends but I need to and I know we will be friends forever.

And Yeri ended up adopting the little girl. I know Yeri will take care of her and make her feel good. I visit them every once in awhile and Yeri always check up on me.

I can still see ghosts and I decided to embrace this gift that I was given and help the ghosts to move on.

I miss Lisa everyday, I still catch myself looking for her whenever I hear a noise. I even talk to her even though she can't answer I know she is listening. I don't know if I ever love someone as much as I love her. But I'm trying to do as she said as make every day count. She is right we only get one life, and I smiled everyday only for my Lisa Manoban.


Thank you readers for supporting me. This is the end of this story. I hope you guys like this story and also keep supporting me for my upcoming and on going stories.

I love you all❤

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