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Chaeyoung's POV

I open my house door and ran inside.

"You're out of breath." Aunt Lora laughs.

"Yeah.. I have been running." I said and open the basement door.

"Why are you going down there for??" She asked confused.

"Uhm.. just getting something." I smiled weakly and head down in the basement.

"Lisa!! Lisa!" I called her.

She jumps up, "what's wrong?" She asked worried.

I go and sit on the couch. "Give me a second." I said out of breath.

I can tell she is trying not to laugh at my condition.

"Okay.. I went over to Jennie's house." I said.

"Yeah? And??"

"I met with her grandma."

"Okay?" She asked confused.

"Her grandmother is dead."

"Huh?" She said even more confused.

"I met her dead grandmother, she was sitting on the chair, and she even talk to me." I said and try not to laugh.

"So you really can see dead people..." Lisa smiles. "But how?"

"I don't know." I shook my head. "She was a nice lady though."

"You actually had a conversation with her." She said excitedly.

"Yeah for a couple of minutes."

"You have a gift." She said smiling.

"Yeah. I'm a kid with sixth sense." I said sarcastically.

"No I'm serious, you're special."

"I don't know about that." I shake my head.

"So how do you get this special ability?" Lisa asked with a smirk.

"I guess, I was bitten by a dead spider." I try not to laugh at my own bad joke.

Lisa laughs and shake her head. "I'm serious Rosé."

"I honestly don't know." I said truthfully.


Short chapter.

Don't worry long chapter ahead.

This chapter want 30 votes again.

Love you all💜💜

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