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Chaeyoung's POV

"I'm home." I tell so that Lisa can hear me.

"Hey." lisa said as she come out from the basement.

"You don't have to stay down there all day." I tell her.

"Its fine." She shrugs. "How's school?"

"It was good."

"What is that?" She pointed at the bag I'm holding.

"O um this girl at the school bought me a dress to wear to the party. I haven't look at it yet."

"That was nice of her. Let's have a look." She said and smirked.

I opened the bag and pull out a small black skin tight dress. Why would Jennie buy this. How it's going to fit me?

"Wow" I hear Lisa said.

"I'm not wearing this." I shake my head.

"Come on, it was nice of her to buy you this dress and I'm sure it will look great on you." Lisa assured me.

"I'm going to look like a hooker."

"A high class hooker." Lisa laughs.

"Not funny Lisa." I glared at Lisa.

"Sorry." She stopped laughing.

"I'm not going." I say as I shoved the dress into the bag.

"You should go it will fun."

"Let's just watch the iron man movies." I whine.

"As much fun as that sounds I think you should go you will regret it if you don't." She said.

"Ugh.. fine." I rolled my eyes.

"You will have a great time."

We go upstairs in my bathroom. Lisa sits on the edge of the bathtub while I curl I brushed my hair.

"Were you popular when you are in school?" I ask Lisa.

"Uh.. I wasn't that popular but I did have some friends and went to parties  and stuff." She said.

"Can you help with the back of my hair?"

"Yes, of course." She smiled.

She get up and grabbed the brush.

I can't help but think what if I say or do something stupid in the party?

I'm going to be the awkward girl that hangs by herself in the corner.

Lisa's POV

I can tell she nervous about this party, but she should go, she should enjoy life.

"Stop over thinking." I laugh.

"I'm not" she huffed.

I can't help but smirk.

"There" I said fixed her hair.

"Thank you"


She started with the her makeup.

"I'm not good with this stuff." She said and I smiled. She is really beautiful with her natural blonde hair, cute fluffy cheeks, pink plump lips, soft fair skin. I love her cute cheeks. I wanna squeeze it.

"Okay I'm done." She said pulled me out of my thoughts.

She turns to me and said "I'm going to put on the dress."

"Okay I'll be out here." I said and walked out of the bathroom to give her privacy.

"Hey umm... can you umm please zip my bress." I look up at her and she looked amazing.

I realised that I'm staring at her, so I cleared my throat "yes, of course."

I walk behind her and try not to stare at her milky white back. I quickly zip it up.

"There." I say and walk back to the bed and sit.

"Thanks." She says and.... she is blushing.

She put on a pair of heels. "I'm going to trip on this thing and break my leg." She whined.

I smiled at her cuteness.


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