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Chaeyoung's POV

"Good night." Jisoo told me.

"Good night and talk to her." I smirked at her, she nods.

I walked into the house. Lisa is sitting on the couch.

"Hey how did it go?" She asked.

"Great." I give her a small smile.

"So will there be another one?"

"No." I shook my head trying not to laugh. "We are better of just as friends."

I can tell she is trying not to smile.

"I'm going to bed." I told her.

"Okay good night." She give me a small smile.

"If you want you can sleep on in my bed with me." I said nervously.

"Yeah, okay." She said but I can tell she is happy.


I woke up next morning with Lisa sleeping peacefully beside me.

She looks so peaceful.

I'm glad I met her. I just wish that I had met her when she was alive.

I wonder if she was a different person when she was alive? Would we have even be friends?

I still don't know how she died or what happened for her to not have moved on.

But I still haven't told her about my past.

"Yes, I know I'm gorgeous." Lisa murmured half asleep since I was staring at her.

"I was debating if I draw something on your face or not." I smirked.

She opened her eyes and laughed.

Lisa's POV

She is so beautiful. I never saw a person this beautiful especially in the morning.

I glanced at her lips and she did the same. I leaned in and we were inches apart. I stopped and wait for her to do the next move not knowing what to do. Just when she started to lean in...

"Hey you awake?" Her aunt opens the door which makes Chae jumps back. "Are you okay?" Aunt Lora asked and laughed.

"Uh.. yeah.." Chae said nervously trying not to look at me.

"Breakfast is ready." Aunt Lora said and looked at Chaeyoung confused.

"I'll be down there in a few minutes." Chaeyoung said.

I feels like everytime ne and Chaeyoung tried to close something pulled us apart. Maybe it for the best.

"Sorry about that." Chae said to me when her aunt leave the room.

I just smiled at her.

I wonder why she never really smiled and if she does most of the time it's fake. I really want to see her smile and I know its beautiful.

She is about to say something when her phone started to ring.

"Hello?" She said answering the call. "Calm down." She said to the person on the other line.


Again wants lots of comments and votes.

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