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Chaeyoung's POV

I really hope that nothing wrong will happen.

"So what's the story?" Jisoo asked.

"I'm writing a paper and you guys are my assistant." I said.

"Let's do this." Jennie said and opened the door.

We walked up to the door but no one ringa the bell.

"Someone should ring the bell." Jisoo said uncomfortably.

"Yeah." Jennie said but no one dare to ring the bell.

I slowly bring my hand up and ring the bell. We waited but no one answered.

"I think no one in the ho--..." Jisoo was cut off by the door open. A old woman come to the sight.

"Miss Watson?" I asked.

"Are you kids from the paper?" She asked.

"Yes." Jennie said.

She smirked "come in come in." She let us in.

We walk in one by one.

"Let's sit." Sje gestured to the couch.

We all sit down.

"Ask.." she smiled sweetly.

"Okay how long have you been fostering kids?" I asked.

"About 40 years." She said.

And how many have you killed?

"You must love children?" I asked sarcastically.

"Adore them." She said with a tight smile.

"Are you married?"

"Not anymore." I gulped I wonder if she killed him too?

"Do you keep in touch with any of your foster kids?"

"No they have their own life." She fake smiled again.

"Let's talk about your time at cane street house."

"Well I had already fostered a couple of kids before Yuri and Risa." She said.

"Do you mean Yeri and Lisa?"

"Oh yes so many children." She laughed. Ohmygod!! She can't even remember the name of the girl she murdered.

"They were older so they thought they can talk how ever they want to and treat me like I'm no one." She said trying to cry, I just rolled my eyes. "I tried to love them and give them everything they needed but it was never enough for them. This wasn't my first time that a couple of foster kids ran away." She said. You mean killed them not ran away.

"Tell me about that night?" I asked.

"That night I was sitting at the couch when Yeri came back home and wanted to pick fight with me but I tried to calm her down. Then Lisa came with her usual grumpy mood and the both started to fight. Lisa keep on punching Yeri I tried to stop them, but Lisa pushed me. I fell on the ground. Lisa took a knife and stabbed her. I pushed her and grabbed the knife accidentally stabbing her. I feld bad for her." I try my best not to glare at her. "She went back to beat her sister but tripped and fall down the stairs, broke her neck. Its horrible really." I see her try not to smile again.

"I'm so sorry about what happened." I said with a tight smile.

I looked around to find the little girl, but its quite.

"Umm Jennie why don't you pick some pictures for our paper." I said.

"Sure." Jennie said uneasily.

"Do you mind if I used the restroom?" I asked Miss Watson.

"Sure." She said.

"Okay so I'm gonna some pictures.. left side please." Jennie instructed.

I get up and head upstairs. Started to opening doors but nothing found.

I try to open the last door at the end of the hallway, but it didn't open. I used a Bobby pin out of my hair, and tried to pick the lock, I learned it in mental hospital.

Finally it opens. There's only a thin mattress on the dirty floor and nothing else. I looked around the room and saw a little girl at the corner of the dark room.

"Hi." I said softly.

She lifts her head I can tell that she is scared.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I said and walked closer to her.

She looked at the door with fear.

"I'm Rosé. What is your name?" I asked and smiled.

"L-Lia." She stutters.

"Is she hurting you?" I whispered. "You can tell me. I'm here for your help. I would tell anyone."

She nods.

I tried not to cry, she looked so scared.

"Do you want me to help you to get you out of this place?" I asked.

"Y-yes please." She said tears in her eyes.

"Just hold on and I'll figure out how to save you from that monster." I give her another smile.

We waved goodbye to each other.

I locked the door and went downstairs to the living room.


My phone is broken. That's why I can't update. Now I have my new phone. So I'm gonna update😊.

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