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Chaeyoung's POV

I couldn't sleep that night. I keep thinking that I'm going to look up and hes going to be right in front of me, try to murder me.

I know I should tell aunt Lora about that. But she'll think it's all in my head. Maybe it is but still I brought a knife to my room just in case.

"Morning Chae" aunt Lora said.

"Morning" I didn't sleep at night and I know I look like a crap. I really don't want to go to school today and deal with people. But then I don't want to  stay here all alone by myself. Maybe I should skip school and go to the library. But if aunt Lora found out she should be upset with me and ask why I was upset.

"You sleep okay last night?" Aunt Lora asked.

"Like a baby"

"I'm sorry I was home so late last night."

"Its okay" I shrugs.

"But it's going to be like that for a while." Great so I'm going to be alone more.

"O-okay" I say drinking my coffee.

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah, no problem." I said and give her a fake smile.

"Okay. I better go. I'll see you tonight." She said grabbing her things.

"I'll walk out with you." I said not wanting to be here alone even for a minute.

School went by too fast. On the way home I googled about ghosts. Someone said about spirit board but I don't think that's a smart idea, I've seen so many horror movies.

I don't know maybe my mind playing tricks on me I think as I walk up to the front porch.

I took a deep breath and unlock door and walk in. Everything is normal and quite.

I close the door up and set my bag on the couch. I walk up to the basement door and put my ear on it trying to hear if theres any noise. I don't hear anything. I let out a shaky laugh and grabbed my bag and went up to my room. I stay there for awhile doing some research on my assignments. After half an hour later I get thirsty and went downstairs to the kitchen.

I grabbed a bottle of water. I heard the floor creak.

"Its in my head. It's in my head." I whisper to myself, then the creaking stops.

"Is someone here? Come out." I say. If no one comes out I know I'm going crazy. But then I saw a person shoe. I looked up to see the girl from yesterday.


Saturday night with ghosts😂😂😂😈😈😈

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