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Chaeyoung's  POV

School over, I didn't saw Jisoo or her friends the rest of the day.

I was finally walking up to my street, I could see the house its looks so scary. I almost don't want to go in without aunt Lora, but I have no where to else to go ,so I make myself walk up the front stairs and unlock the door.

I sit on the couch and started to watch some TV shows. The house is eerie quiet. I turned up the TV volume. I wish aunt Lora would hurry up and get off work.

After awhile I turned off the TV, grabbed my back pack and went upstairs to my room. I opened my room door and everything is in the boxes. I tossed my backpack to the corner and quickly changed into a tshirt and jogger pants, I sit on the bed.

I heard the door open and hear some footsteps?

"Aunt Lora" I called but no reply. I quickly stand up and open the door. I searched but don't see anyone. Then I heard the stairs creak like someone walking down. I quickly ran to the stairs and start walking down the stairs as fast as I can. I can hear footsteps but don't see anything in the living room. I heard the basement door shut, I ran over to it and try to open it but it won't open. No matter how hard i pull it. Suddenly the front door open.

"I'm home Rosé" aunt Lora yell. I let go of the door and kick it shaking my head as I head back to the living room.

"Aunty I think someone is in the basement." I whispered.

"Okay I'll look" she doesn't seem to worried. Does she think I'm making this up?

She walks to the basement door, I'm walking behind her. She grabbed the door knob and turned to open it and to my surprise it opens right away, it's weird.

"Stay here." She says, I watched her go downstairs in the basement.

After a minute she come back upstairs.

"Theres nothing. It's an old house Rosé, it's going to take awhile to get to used it." She says as we walk back to the living room.

"Hows your day?" She asked.

"Fine. I talked to a couple of kids, the seemed nice."

"That's good I'm so proud of you." She smiled widely.

"How was your first day at work?" I asked.

"Great. Everyone is nice but they seem like they don't get a lot of people moving here."

"Yeah. Same with me."

"They will get over it in a few days."

"Yeah." I say unconvinced.

Lisa's POV

I heard that the girl Rosé come home. She turned the TV volume too loud. I wonder if she had hearing problem? I just stay in the basement.

I hear the TV shut off and everything went quiet. I decided to go upstairs and see if she left. I look in the living room and she's not there. I then go upstairs to her room and open her door slightly making it creak and I hear her say.

"Aunt Lora" I immediately start to go back to the basement. I'm walking down the stair when I hear her footsteps which makes me go faster. I quickly run to the basement her on my trail. She was so close, I shut the door and hold onto it tight to make sure she doesn't open it.

I hear her aunt's voice and Rosé let go of the door knob and kicked it for the last time, I listen to her walk away.

I quickly walk down the steps of the basement and sit on the couch. I freeze when I heard the door open and footsteps coming down the stairs, the older lady come to the view. She looked everywhere then sighed and shakes her head and went upstairs. I relised a sigh of relief.


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Annddd I just published a new story "Vacant Souls" (chaelisa & jensoo). This is a book of mostly pain, heartbreaking quotes. It's kind of a poetry book. This my first attempt to write this kind of book. Support this book.

Bye bye. Love you all💜💜💜

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