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Chaeyoung's POV

Jisoo and Jennie come to hang out in my house. They are finally getting comfortable in my house.

"I had nightmare about yesterday." Jennie said and shivers.

"I felt like she was at the edge of my bed all night." Jisoo said while lying down on my bed.

"Me and Yeri going to come up with a plan to save the little girl." I said.

"You know what we need now?" Jennie said all of a sudden.

"Huh?" Me and Jisoo said at the same time.

"Milk ice cream." Jennie said.

"Amd why we need milk ice cream?" Jisoo smirked.

"Cause it helps me to think properly." Jennie said.

Me and Jennies looked at Jisoo and smiled sweetly.

"Fine." Jisoo sighed but smiled at us.

"Make sure to buy a big tub of ice cream." Jennie give Jisoo her gummy smile. Jisoo blushed.

"Ok ok." Jisoo said blushing and went downstairs.

"Now that she is gone let's talk about something else." Jennie said and sit up.


"Tell me about the girl you like." Jennie said.

"I'm in love with her but I know we don't have future." I said.


"Its hard to explain."

"You know you can tell me anything." Jennie said.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"Can I ask you something?" Jennie asked.

"Yes of course."

"My mom uh told me that you found a letter from my grandmother." I can tell that she is trying not to cry.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I know there's no letter on the chair after grandma's death." Jennie looks at me. "But I know you didn't wrote that, because I know my grandma's hand writing."

"I don't know what you mean?" I act confused.

"How did you do it?" She asked. "You know sometimes I feel like she was in the house. I would heard noises when no one in the house."

"And now?" I can't help but ask.

"I can't feel her anymore." Jennie cried.

I hug her tight, I don't know if I should tell her or not.

"If I tell you something please believe me because you're my best friend and I would hurt if you think I'm crazy." I said about to cry.

"What is it?" She asked.

I took a deep breath "when I went to your house for the first time I saw a old woman sitting on the blue chair, i didn't know who she was. She was nice and talked to me then your mother told me that your grandmother is dead." I look at my hands, "she wanted to move on so I helped her. She wrote the letter and I put it on the chair for your mom." I looked up finally to see her reaction.

"So she moved on to the better place." She slowly smiled.

"Yes." I smiled.

"Thank you for helping her." Jennie said sadly.

"Wait! You actually really believe me?!" I say shocked.

"Why wouldn't I? I know you wouldn't lie to me." Jennie said.

"Thank you!!." I cried in happiness. Now I have someone to talk about this.

"That's what best friends for." She hugs me. "Grandma always believes in this stuffs so I always believe it in too."

"I haven't been able to see ghosts but recently." I tell her.

"Was my grandmother is the first ghost you ever saw?"
"No." I said. "I'm ready to tell you now about the girl that I'm in love with." I smiled.

"Yes." She said excitedly.

"She lived here before me." I said slowly.

"Wait she lives here?" She asked confusedly.

"She is actually dead now."

"Oh that's why you didn't want to tell me about her." Jennie said.


"What is she like?"

"She is amazing." I said smiling.

"What does she looks like?"

"She has blonde hair and brown eyes, cute nose, with soft kissable lips, and a sexy body. I know it must be sounds weird but I think she looks great without a shirt." I finish.

She has an amuse expression on her face. "So have guys ummm you know did that?" She asked.

"What?" I laugh.

"I wonder if sex with a ghost is good or not?" She laughed.

"Well I want to meet her." Jennie said.

"Definitely." I smiled.

"Thank you for telling me." She smiled.

I go downstairs and saw Lisa going back to the basement.

"Oh hey.." Lisa said as she saw me.

I walked up to her and kiss her taking her by surprise.

"What was that for? It's not like I'm complaining." Lisa smirked.

"I love you it's all and I uhmm tell Jennie about us."

"What? Really? What did she said?"

"She believes me." I smiled.

"I'm glad. I know she is good." Lisa said and smiled and kissed me again.

"She wants to meet you." I said.

"You wants to show of your ghost girlfriend to your friend." Sje said and laughed.

"Well yeah." I laughed too.

I heard the door bell rang.

"That must be Jisoo." I said.

"Okay I'll see you later." She winked and went back to the basement.

I opened the door and I never expected to that person here in this house.

"M-miss Eva.." I gulped.

"Hello Rosé." She hisses.


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Almost reached the end of this story😥.
Love you guys❤.

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