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Chaeyoung's POV

We walked to the car in silence.

"You are in the mood for some ice cream?" Jisoo asked me in the car.

"Always." I told her and she laughed.

We go to the local ice cream shop that I yet to have gone too.

"Which flavour do you want?" She asked again.

"Ahh Vanilla."

"One vanilla and one chocolate ice cream please." She orders politely.

"Here you go." The counter girl handed our order.

We walked over to one of the booths. This place is pretty packed, I think this is a date spot, cause I saw many couples.

"I hope you like this place, Jennie come here a lot." Jisoo said.

"You guys seems close." I said and took a bite of my I cream.

"Yeah, we have been friends since kindergarten." She laughs.

"Jennie said you guys dated in elementary school." I chuckled.

"Yeah we did. We were each others first love you can say." Jisoo smiled to herself.

"That's sweet." I said.

"So are you liking it here?" She asked.

"Yeah. I am." I answered honestly.

"I'm glad. We don't get a lot of new people in our town."

"Yeah, I can tell." I smirked.

"At least people aren't staring anymore." I nod.

"This ice cream is really good." I said.

"Told yeah," she laughs "they also have really good milk ice cream that Jennie always gets here." She told me.

"I have to get that next time then."

We continued talking about school and stuffs.

I looked around and it was almost empty,  they are going to close.

"We better go." Jisoo said.

We walked outside.

"Its a nice night." I said.

"Want to take a walk?" Jisoo offered. I nod.

"So are Seulgi and Irene together?" I asked making small talk.

"Oh yeah, they are act like they hate each other, but they hook up behind everyone's back." Jisoo shakes her head.

"Why would they do that??"

"Because they are not sure about their feelings. They don't want to judge by other people."

"They seemed perfect for each other." I commented.

"Because they are both bitchy." Jisoo laughs and nudge me.

"I think two people who care about each other shouldn't care about other people." I said.

"Yeah right." She agreed.

We stopped walking and stared at each other. She leaned in and kissed me lightly.

"I hope it's ok that I did it." Jisoo nervously said.

"I.. uhm.. that was my first kiss." I hope she doesn't think I'm a weird for admitting that.

"Really?" She smiled, "I'm honoured."

"Who was yours?"

"Jennie." She bits her lip like she is thinking about something.

"I won't get mad if you tell me the truth. Do you still have feelings for Jennie?" I looked at her.

"Why would you ask that?" Jisoo looked down at her feet.

"Because the way you talked about her." I said and put my hand on her shoulder.

She got quite for some moment.

"So it's that obvious..." she sighed.

"Kind of." I smirked.

"She doesn't like me like that.." Jisoo shakes her head.

"You never know unless you ask her." I said.

"I'm sorry I ruined our date." Jisoo said quietly.

"No you didn't." I shake my head.

"Ready to go home?" Jisoo grabbed my hand, I nodded and smiled at her.


Hmmm.....????? How's this chapter?????

I want lots of comments, as well as likes.

Love you all❤❤

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