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Chaeyoung's POV

Me and Jennie went to her house after school. I almost don't want to go to her house because of her dead grandmother. But I thought if I can be okay with Lisa then I should give other ghosts a chance.

As soon as we walked into her room, I flopped on her bed.

"Sooo?" I smirked.

"Well after you left I called Jisoo and she asked me on a date." She said while blushing.

"That's great."

"Thank you."

"What for?" I asked confused.

"Well you're the reason we are going out and you're not mad at us because me and Jisoo are getting together."

"Honestly Jennie... you and Jisoo looks so cute together." I said and smiled at her.

"Now we need to find you someone.." she smirked.

"I'm okay.." I laughed nervously.

"Do you already have someone in your life? Is that person a girl??"


"You do" she squealed "tell me about her.."

"Uh.. I mean we are just friends..." I look away.

"But don't you want to be more??" She raised an eyebrow.

"Its complicated.." I sighed.

"Well if you want to talk about me, then I'm always here for you."

"Thanks." I told her.

We continued to talk about school and other things for an hour.

"I better go.. it's getting late." I said.

"Okay thanks again." Jennie said standing up.

"I can let myself out. I'll see you at school." I said.

I walked downstairs to the living room. I see Jennie's grandma on the chair.

"You have a gift." She said.

"I noticed." I said.

"Come sit here."

I look at the door then to her and nodded.

I sit on the couch keeping some distance.

"Were you born with this gift?" She asked.

"No.. not that I know of."

"Am I the first ghost you have ever seen?"

"No. I have seen the ghost that lives in my new house."

"The one on came street?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am." I nod.

"Its such a shame that happened there." She shakes her head.

"What happened there?"

"Its not my place to tell you that dear."

"Do you know why ghosts stick around?" I asked her.

"Because we can't move on." She said sadly.

"What happened when they can't move on?" I asked curiously.

"Well, when they don't get into the light in time, they start to become crazier as the year passed. It starts to get to you. I mean at first couple of years is fine but then you slowly become......" she trailed off..

"They become what?"

"They become evil. The evil power slowly get into them." She said.

I can't imagine Lisa becoming that.

"What can we do to help them move on?"

"Help them find peace." She said.

"How can I do that?"

"They will know."

"Why can't you find peace?" I asked hoping I'm not intruding.

"My daughter in law, Jennie's mother. We used to fight all the time. I see now it was my fault. But he was my only son(Jennie's father) and I was so protective over him, I thought nobody was good enough for him. When I got sick, she(Jennie's mother) took care of me. I then notice what a strong and kind woman she is, the perfect woman for my son. I died before I could tell her that." She said sadly.

"Would you like me to tell you?" I asked.

She looks at me hopefully.


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