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Lisa's POV

Me and Chaeyoung sit in the living room waiting for her friends. I noticed her legs keep shaking, she looked pretty nervous.

"Hey, you don't have to stay the whole timee." I said her, she nodded.

I wish I could go with her.

We hear the doorbell rang that makes Chae jump.

"They are here." She sighed and walks to the door.

"Hi. You look great." A girl with gummy smile says as I noticed her looking around probably waiting for the ghost to appear.

"Thanks and uh thanks again for the dress." Chae said.

"No problem."

"Hey. Wow! You look great." I see a pretty girl walk up and said. I noticed she keeps  looking at her up and down.

"You guys ready?" Chae asked.

"Yeah let's go." That girl with gummy smile said.

"Have fun Chae." I said and she nodded and left.

Then again it's just me.

Chaeyoung's POV

I kept noticing that Jisoo staring at me, maybe Jennie was right.

"Dont be nervous we are going to have a great time." Jennie tell me as we pulls up at someone's house. Music is blaring.

"Yeah. Just stay with us." Jisoo tell me.

"Thanks" I say.

We open the front door. This party is out of control.

There's people making out everywhere, taking shots and grinding on each other.

Just stay for an hour.

"Let's get a drink." Jisoo said over the music.

"Theres Irene. I'll be right back." Jennie said going into the crowd.

Jisoo grabbed my hand and leads me to the bar.

"Beer okay?" She asked.

"Uh sure." I said.

She hands me a cup. I've never drink before.

I take a sip and its gross.

Jisoo must saw my expression because she laughs, "don't like it?" She asked.

"Its okay." I tell her.

I took another sip and looked around, everyone already looks drunk.

"Hey man" Seulgi  walked over to us "wow you actually came." She said me.

"Yeah wouldn't miss it." I said sarcastically.

"Let's take some shots." Seulgi says to both of us.

"I don't think she-" Jisoo was cut off by Seulgi.

"Come on Chae, it's your first party let's celebrate." Seulgi said.

"Uh okay just one." I told her.

"Are you sure?" Jisoo asked me concerned.

What's the worse that could happened?

A few drinks later I'm staring to feel tipsy.

"Hey I'll be back." Jisoo whispered in my ear.

"Come let's dance." Jennie grabs my hand as we made our way to the dance floor.

"See aren't you glad you come?" Jennie smirks.

"Yeah. I'm actually having fun." I said.

Thankfully everyone too drunk to notice, I'm a terrible dancer.

I feel someone grab my waist, I turn around quickly to see who it is.

"Sorry it's just me." Jisoo laughs.

"You having fun?" She asked and I nod.

We dance to some song I never heard.
I drink another beer and I think it's the worst idea. I feel dizzy and sick like I'm going to throw up.

"Hey are you okay?" Jennie asked.

"I don't feel good. " I said.

"Lets get you home." Jisoo guides me out. I keep on this shoes.

"Get into the car." Jisoo said.

I crawl into the car and lay down. I must doze off.

"We are here." Jisoo tell me.

"K" I said but didn't move.

"We have to carry Chae." Jennie said.

They carried me into the house.

"Put her on the couch before her aunt wakes up." Jisoo said.

I see Lisa from the corner of my eyes. Jisoo sets me on the couch.

"Get some rest. We will check on you in the morning." Jennie said.

"Good night." Jisoo whispered and kiss my forehead. Then they left.


Awaited chapter. Sorry for not updating. Currently working on the new story. Enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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