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Lisa's POV

She actually saw me. I don't blame her being scared, I would be too.

I go upstairs and see her lying on the floor. She must be tripped or something. I picked her up and lay her on the couch.

I can't believe she can see me. Its impossible. She's alive and I'm dead.

I head back downstairs before her aunt get home.

That girl Chaeyoung doesn't come back downstairs to the basement for the rest of the night.

I heard them.leave for work and school this morning. Maybe she thought she dreamed it or something.

I heard someone come home and I guess its Chaeyoung. She's been really quite today. Maybe I should check on her?

I walk up the basement steps trying to be quiet. I look in the living room and didn't see her. I hear something in the kitchen, I try my best to be quiet but this stupid floor creak.

I stop when I hear her say something but I didn't understand.

Then she says "Is someone out there? Come out."

I took a deep breath. Maybe it was all in my head, maybe she can't see me and I am imagining the whole thing.

I take a step forward until I'm in the kitchen. We just stare at each other shocked. Then she screamed and throw the water bottle at my head.

"Ow" I say and start rubbing my head. She try to ran past me but I grabbed her arm to see if I can touch her. I feel her soft skin.

"Please don't hurt me." She said. I looked at her and she looked scared. I didn't mean to scare her. I released her arm and she back up until her back hit the wall.

"W-what do you want?" She asked.

"You can see me." I said.

She rolled her eyes and said "of course I can see you."

"How?" Theres no way possible she can see me.

"Because I'm not blind. Why are you in my house?" I can tell she's irritated, I don't blame her.

"Your house" I can't help but chuckle.

"Yes my house. Now I'm going to ask you to leave my house before I call the cops."

"They can't help." No one can, I can't leave this place no matter how much I want to.

"Have you been living in the basement?"

"Yes" I said sadly.


"Its hard to explain." I sighed.

I look at her and she really has pretty eyes. Deep chocolate brown, just like me.

I heard the front door open and hear her aunt.

"You're in so much trouble." Chaeyoung whispered to me and I can't help but smirk.

"She can't see me." I know that because I have been in the same room with her and she never reacted.

Her aunt walked into the kitchen and asked Chaeyoung if she ate.

"Uh hello." Chaeyoung points at me and I try not to laugh.

"What?" Her aunt looked confused.

"She can't see me." I tell Chaeyoung.

"Okay, is that a joke?" She asked looking at me then her aunt.

I can see her aunt worried about her. Chaeyoung closed her eyes taking a deep breath. I look at her one more time and made my way down to the basement. I can't keep my smile off my face because someone can see me now.


A Girl Who Lived In My House (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now