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Lisa's POV

I feel like a jerk, I'll be surprised if Chae will ever talk to me again and I won't blame her if she doesn't.

Why did I act like that?

I should be happy for her. I'm sure Jisoo is a nice girl. Chae is right I didn't even know her.

What's wrong with me!!?

And she shouldn't have to tell me anything about her past, it's none of my business. She was been respectful about my past and hasn't even asked anything.

I almost acted as if I was jealous? And why would I be? It's not like we are together. We are just friends like she said. It's not like we could be more that friends even if I did want to.

I've been alone for so long. I finally found someone and I ruined it.

I don't want to lose her. She is the best thing that happened to me in a very long time.

Chaeyoung's POV

Why did Lisa got so mad? Does she really not like Jisoo? Did Jisoo do something that she didn't like?

I don't want us to fight and I don't want her to be mad at me.

I'm not good at talking and connecting with people. But with Lisa it's easy I can actually be myself and we respect each others privacy.

Yes I know, I haven't told her everything but she hadn't asked me, not that I want to talk about it. I mean I respected her privacy.

But what if I told her about my past and she doesn't look at me the same.

And she believes I think her as a murderer? I don't know what I think, was that her way of telling that she killed people?

But I know deep down that she is a good person.

She almost acted like she was jealous?or something which is crazy because I know she doesn't like me like that way, I mean we are just friends.

And even if I like her like that we can't. She is dead and I'm not.


Sorry for the short chapters. But I'll update more so that covers it.

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