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Chaeyoung's POV

Me and aunt Lora watch a movie in her room after dinner. In the half way  of the movie she fell asleep. I'm ready for bed too but after what happened today, I wouldn't dare to sleep in my room alone. So pretended to fell asleep while watching the movie, in aunt's room.

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked aunt Lora.

"Always" she said.

We drink our coffee in comfortable silence.

"We both better get going or we are going to be late." She said.

"Okay." I sighed not wanting to go.

"You want me to drive you to school?" She asked.

"No I like walking." I give her a small smile and grab my stuff, make my way to the door.

I open my locker to get some stuff. I felt people staring at me that creeps me out. I just ignore it.

I go to my class.

Skip to lunch.....

"Hey girl" Jennie comes up to me.

"Oh hey" I say back.

"Let's go sit down" she said walking to their table. I sat next to Jisoo.

"Hey" Jisoo said.

"Hii" I reply.

"Hows your second day going?"

"Fine. But people are still staring." I told her.

"Don't worry about it. It'll stop by next week." She give me a sweet smile.

"I hope so."

"Friday we are having a party, you should come with us." Seulgi said.

"Yes totally." Jennie agrees. I really don't like parties but I need to make friends and they are nice enough to ask me.

"Yeah. Okay." I said and smile a little.

"We can pick you up if you want" Jisoo told me.


"Where do you live?" Jennie asked.

"On Cane street." I told them and they all froze,even Irene who's been on her phone since I have been sat down.
"What?" I asked them confused.

"Don't tell me you are living in that big scary house? Do you?" Jennie asked slowly.

"Umm yeah. Why?"

"You don't know. Do you?" Jisoo asked me.

"Know what?"

"Of course she doesn't know or else she would be terrified." Irene says to Jisoo.

"Stoo being dramatic Irene." Seulgi scolded and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not." She huffs.

"What happened?"

"This girl who was like our age murdered her mom and sister. Then killed herself in that house." Irene whispered. I try to act like I'm not scared but I'm terrified.

"That's horrible."

"Yeah you might wake up and saw her in your bedroom." Seulgi laughed.

"Don't listen to her. Ghosts are not real." Jisoo said softly.

"I know." Is all I say.

"I would sleep with all the lights on if I were you." Jennie said.


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