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Chaeyoung's POV

I walk home, but I took my time. I really don't want to go home, not after hearing what happend there. But before I know, I'm on the front porch.

I unlocked the door and walk in and everything seems normal. I sit on the couch and then I hear a ding I look down at my phone and see aunt Lora texted me telling me that she's going to be home, late.

Great. Maybe Irene was just making that story to scare me. But then I remember those moving guys. But ghosts are not real.

I watched a movie in the living room with every single light on. I thought I heard a shuffling sound come from the basement, but I shook my head and continued watching the movie. But again I heard those sounds. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some salt Isaw it on a episode of  supernatural and I head towards the basement. I took a deep breath and open the door and switch on the lights.

I took one step at a time, I don't heard any noise. It dead silent. I then realised that I don't have proper weapon to protect myself. Ugh... why I am so stupid??? But I'm already half way down the steps.

I finally reached the bottom of the steps and look to left but there's nothing but our junk things stuffed there. I look around and it looks normal and hear anything. I turn around to go back upstairs but I heard a shaky breath that's definitely not belongs to me.

"Hello" I call out like an idiot and thankfully no one answered.

"I'm not afraid of you" I say out loud but I'm not even entirely convinced.

I walked over to the bookcase and everything in the basement is surprisingly clean.

Lisa's POV

I hear Chaeyoung footsteps coming down the steps. She really has  a good hearing, I wasn't even being that loud.

My first instinct to duck behind the couch, I don't know why. It's not like she can see me. I stay quit, when I don't hear anymore I let out a shaky breath.

"Hello" she called out, but I stay quit.

"I'm not afraid of you" she said and I heard her footsteps again. I looked up and and saw her in front of the bookcase looking at it. I stand up and realised how stupid I am acting. She can't see me but can hear me.

I walked over to her standing a couple steps behind her and observing her. Then she turns around and faces me. Her mouth flies open and eyes go big. There is no way she can see me. Then she scream and threw something on my face.


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