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"HENRY OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Michelle screamed out pounding on it.

Her dumbass brother has been there for what seems like hours and she was going to be late for school considering how Henry was her only ride with his dumb friends.



"God you know what time it is? It's too fucking early for your loud mouth," Henry said finally coming out of the bathroom fully dressed and drying his hair.

"How is it that you take longer showers than me again? Sure you ain't secretly a girl?" Michelle teased causing Henry to roll his eyes.

"Ughh if you weren't my sister I'd probably kill ya,"

"Why don't ya? Because of you I ain't got no friends,"

"You don't need them, besides if someone even thinks about going near you I'll cut them open,"

"You only act protective of me when you're not around other people,"

"That's not true. Just hurry up the boys are outside," Henry mumbled before walking downstairs.


5 minutes later Michelle came out dressed and ready to go. She went outside seeing Henry talking amongst his friends.

"Hey hey there she is. Sexy Michelle on the way," one of his friends Vic she believes his name is said.

Michelle rolled her eyes about to open up the door and getting in when she noticed one of them looking at her with lust as he rubbed his front pants.

"Hey baby why don't you sit on Daddy's lap for me?"

"Cut it out. This is my sister ass hole," Henry scowled as Michelle got in the front.

The boys laughed.

"Lighten up Henry were just playing with her,"

"I said she's my sister if you guys can't show her the respect, I will kill all of you,"

"Alright geeze we'll leave innocent Michelle alone,"

The rest of the ride was silent and Michelle jumped out the car once she made it to school.

"MICHELLE HURRY YOUR ASS UP AFTER SCHOOL TOO!" Henry shouted before driving off.

Michelle sighed as she went into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Oh look who it is. The almighty Michelle Bowers," a girl Hannah she believes said as her and a group of friends entered the bathroom.

One of them placed a hand on her shoulder looking at Michelle in fear.

"H-Hannah that's Michelle Bowers, Henry Bowers sister we should leave her alone,"

"Why is big brother going to come to your rescue?" She asked teasingly. "I'm sick of this bitch thinking she can get off the hook just because he said so, well Michelle let's see how he likes it when I mess up your pretty little face," she smirked cracking her knuckles.

Michelle dogged Hannah's on coming punch as she pushed passed the other girls and ran out of the bathroom. She heard the bathroom door slam open.

"GET HER!" Hannah shouted as running footsteps could be heard after her.

Michelle didn't dare turn around as she ran through the hallways of Derry High School. She made all different twists and turns until she couldn't eventually hear footsteps anymore so she finally decided to stop and take a breather and lean up against the lockers. The only good thing about her was that she was a fast runner. The hallway Michelle was in was dark, no kids or anybody around she couldn't understand why nobody goes near this hallway especially since the stairs leading up were back here as well. Once she caught her breath she quickly ran from what she calls the haunted hallway unaware that a pair of eyes were staring after her.

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