26- Finale

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It's been approximately 3 years now since Michelle's father tragically died, the cops selled out the story mainly because they saw the scars on both of the siblings back and realized Butch would leave them two to rot by themselves. Henry has been taking care of Michelle since he is practically her guardian, and Pennywise has been nothing but helpful and a protector. He even stopped going after kids and tried feeding on animals, it was less satisfying for him but he made it work in a way. He changed for his lover and she changed for him, but today told a different story as the couple had to take there long rest of 15 years.

"Please dont leave," Henry begged tears pooling around in his eyes as the three were in her room and she just broke the news to Henry.

Michelle yawned feeling sleepy already as Pennywise placed an arm around her shoulders.

"I know Henry I really dont want to, but the cosmos are forcing us to,"

"Cant he sleep while you stay with me? I dont know what to do without you Michelle,"

"Doesnt work like that Henry. You see, were mates and as I explained many times if one is away from the other for too long we both die, for me falling in love with Michelle and Michelle falling in love with me, my time has been cut in half and in return we both have to take our long rest, we'll be back in 15 years,"

"But, won't age and grow though?"

"No, only once she has awakened will she age and grow like normal,"

"But what about food or water or hell even shelter!"

"She will be protected by me Henry, she cannot die if she is with me,"

Henry sighed.

"How long do I have with her?" He asks frowning.

"Till the sun sets, once then we both have to go to sleep," 

"Yeah I get that part, come on Michelle,"

"Where you going?"

"We are going to spend the day together. If you dont mind," Henry says glaring at Pennywise.

"Yeah go ahead I really want humans before we go but I'll stalk up on animals," he says before kissing Michelle on the cheek before disappearing.

"I'll gather up the boys," Henry says as him and Michelle raced downstairs and went inside Henry's red truck, it used to be dad's but since he died Henry took it basically and taught himself how to drive with Belch's help of course.

"Where we going?"

"To spend the day at the carnival, it's in town this year and I wanted to  take you tomorrow as a surprise but-"

"I have to go to rest with Pen yeah I know,"

Henry sighed gripping on the steering wheel.

"What am I going to do without you sis? Your staying the same while I'm growing and going to turn old. I dont want to forget you,"

"You won't Hen, let's make today the best day ever and just forget about sunset,"

Henry had nodded his head in agreement still not liking that his sister was leaving him for the clown, but deep in Henry's heart he knew it would happen anyways. But as long as it keeps Michelle alive and happy that's all he could ever ask for.


"This is stupid," Patrick says running his hand through his long black hair as the five were at the carnival.

Belch playfully hit his shoulder.

"Shut up Pat, this is for Michelle and Henry so let's let lose and have fun it's a carnival come on!"

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