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"THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN MICHELLE?!" An angry Butch Bowers yelled throwing a bottle of wine towards the wall missing her by an inch.

"I-Im sorry D-Daddy I.....  I was just-"

"HEY!" He screamed getting closer to her face as it reaked of alcohol causing her to flinch again as tears threatened to pour down her face.

Her hands immediately shaking from fear.

"The next time you decide to run away don't fucking bother coming back you little shit head. Your just as pathetic as your brother it's no wonder why your mother left the both of ya," he says before slapping Michelle across the face hard causing her to yelp as she slid down the wall when her dad spit at her feet before leaving for the living room.

Once gone she rushed upstairs and locked her door as she started pouring her eyes out. Perhaps she should have stayed with Pennywise that way she wouldn't have to face her father but at the same time Michelle couldn't leave her brother alone with him. A knock was heard on the door as Michelle sniffed and wiped her eyes before unlocking it to reveal a saddened Henry.

"Michelle..... The party..... I-I- can't explain what the hell I saw or what the hell happened to you. So just tell me who is the clown?" Henry asks stepping in as Michelle stepped back and frowned as she walked to her bed as he sat down next to her.

Henry winced.

"Did dad-"

"Yeah," she spoke quietly. "So I'm not sure how your gonna handle the news but the clown is not from our world,"


"And that's all I know about him," Michelle spoke after telling Henry practically everything.

"Wait so those voices I heard in your room was you and the clown?" Henry asked as Michelle nodded. "And.... Mates? Like what your boyfriend or something?"

"That part I'm still trying to understand..... Why couldn't my love life be with a normal person like Victor?"

"Victor," Henry says raised eyebrow.

"Or any human I don't know I wasn't expecting to fall for a demonic clown Henry!"

"Summon him,"


"You said he comes to you whenever you call him, summon him,"


"Now," Henry demanded glaring at Michelle.

Michelle sighed and took a deep breath.

"Pennywise....... Pennywise...... Pennywise,"

"Missed me already dollface?" Pennywise asked from the corner of the room as Henry screamed and fell off the bed scooting closer to the door as his eyes widened in disbelief.


"Henry calm down or-"

"You didn't tell me we'd have visitors. Hello Henry," Pennywise says advancing towards him with a wicked smile on his face.

"No Pennywise! Not my brother," Michelle pleaded as Pennywise growled but complied as he stopped advancing towards him.

"You are severely annoying. What did you summon me for?"

"I-I-I wanted to know what you did to Hockstetter? He hasn't been the same since," Henry spoke getting up from the floor.

"Shouldn't a thank you for saving my baby sister should be in order instead? If it weren't for me he would have gotten away with being all over my human,"

"Uhhh thanks?"

"And if you wanna know so bad maybe I can send you there myself,"

"Woah no thank you on that. And what's this about you being my sister's mate? I don't like the sound of her being with a clown for the rest of her life,"

"And what's wrong with that? Sure she's an annoying pest bit you'll grow to get used to it. Plus I can't change what they do, they put me with her because they think she can change me,"


"And excuse me I'm not an annoying pest," Michelle says crossed arms as she huffed causing Pennywise to roll his eyes.

"It's got nothing to do with you so I don't have to explain things to you,"

"Well the next time you decide to kidnap my sister don't. Because that is what happened when she got home," Henry says pointing at Michelle's mark on her cheek.

Pennywise smiled.

"I knew I could use you in some way Henry. You'll be of great use in my plans when it comes to your dad just endure him a little longer," Pennywise says with a wicked smile on his face.

Eyes On You (Pennywise)Where stories live. Discover now