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"Yo Bowers wanna fuck tonight?" One of the boys from Michelle's last period asked as the other boys chuckled. 

"I wouldn't fuck with you if you were the last man on Earth," Michelle snapped back earning a series of 'ooos' and 'oooohs'.

"See that's what I like about ya, sexy, smart, sassy. Your everything I see in a woman,"

"Do you know who I am? Or do you want to be on my brothers hit list?"

"Like I'm afraid of Henry? Don't make me laugh squirt. Besides he don't care for you anyways just watch and wait till the bell rings in five, four, three, two-"

Right on time the bell rings and Michelle quickly got up and raced out the doors but the nasty boys followed closely behind.

"HENRY!" She shouted for her brother before she cried out when one of them grabbed onto her hair.

"Let's see how much he cares when I'm through with you," the leader Jason says dragging Michelle by the hair outside.

Michelle could see Henry who was talking to Bill outside with his friends right behind him.

"YO BOWERS!" Jason shouted earning Henry's attention. "You don't mind if I take your slut of a sister home with me do you?" He asks pulling on her hair tighter making her whimper in pain.

"LEAVE HER ALONE ASSHOLE!" Henry shouted back pushing Bill as he and his friends made his way towards them.

Jason smirked.

"So you do have a weakness after all. Hmm can't wait to start using you honey, give me a call sometime looking forward to our play time," he says slapping her on the ass and throwing her on the concrete floor as Jason and his gang began to leave.

Running footsteps could be heard as Henry kneeled down to his sister's aid.

"The hell Michelle? Are you trying to make me look bad? If people see you as my weakness they'll use it against me and my reputation is over,"

"Well don't save me at all then dick face, I'll see you at home," Michelle says getting up and walking away.

"Where you going? You know what happens if dad finds out your not with me,"

"I'm walking home okay. Tell Dad I'll be home soon if he's there,"

"Michelle! Michelle wait!" Henry called after her but she didn't listen and kept on walking.

Michelle sniffed as she continued her walk home and she made sure to take it nice and long. She hated her life right now, the only reason why her brother has anything to do with her is because there dad would kill him if he lets anything bad happen to her. Let's say Michelle is her dad's favorite and Henry's least favorite. Michelle could usually get away with anything when it comes to her father but poor Henry usually has to pay the price for it. Michelle sighed and looked up as she realized she was 20 minutes away from home but couldn't help but stand in the middle of the road next to the sewers. She felt like she was being watched as shivers ran down her spine. A giggle was suddenly heard as wind blew heavily as the giggling was coming from the sewers. Curious, Michelle walked over to it and bend down but saw nothing but darkness. She was going to get back up, but a pair of glowing Amber eyes could be seen in the dark as Michelle's eyes widened.

"Hello Michelle," he said with another giggle.

"H-How do you know my name?" She shakily asked causing whatever was down there to giggle again.

"I know everything little lady, oh we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Pennywise the Dancing clown,"

"Pennywise? Well I'm-"

"Michelle Bowers yes I know that very well,"

"So, why do you live in the sewers?"

"Because I liked to be kept hidden until the time is right for me to strike,"

"To strike? Strike what?"

Pennywise giggled as he suddenly disappeared back into the sewers leaving a stunned Michelle behind.

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