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"Mates? That's bullshit, tell her Henry," Belch says after Michelle finished explaining about Pennywise.

"I wish it was Belch more than you know,"

"Well I dont believe this crap then. A scary ass clown demon thing supposed to be in love with Michelle and Michelle is supposed to be in love with that thing? Honestly I always thought it would be Victor or hell even Patrick! Not a clown,"

"I can prove to you that he's real Belch. I really can, and he's not so bad sure he's weird but sweet in a way hes done nothing but protect me so far,"

"He kidnapped you for days and looked what happened to ya when he brought  you back,"

Michelle sighed.

"He said we wouldn't have to worry about dad anymore soon. That he has a plan,"

"As in what? Killing him?"

"I dont know okay. Look imma call him and you can ask all questions,"


"Pennywise, Pennywise, Pennywise," Michelle said as a demon like growl and a scream came along afterwords.

Michelle gasps opening her eyes as Pennywise had a metal stick through his head looking right at her as he was in the corner of the room by the door.

"PENNYWISE!" Michelle yelled worried running over to him.

"S-Stay back,"

"Oh my God what happened Penny? Who did this?"

"N-N-Need to go. N-N-Need to heal,"

"I'll come with you just tell me who did this?"

"N-No dont come, dangerous,"

"But Penny I-"

"Losers did this. Losers," pennywise says before disappearing once more.



"That haunted house Hen. We went in there as kids I'm sure Pennywise lives there. I have to see if hes okay.  Please Hen,"

"You really care for him dont you?" Henry asked sighing.

"I think so, it's hard to explain but I really need to see if hes okay,"

"Alright Belch?"

"Yeah, Yeah,"


Once Belch got to the house Michelle wasted no time in running inside the abandoned place.

"PENNY!" Michelle shouted as the house creeked.

"Michelle," Michelle heard her name being called as she gasped startled turning around but finding nobody there.


Michelle suddenly screamed as she was flown back into a room as the door shut on it's own. She hated closed spaces, and she's in a room alone with the door locked. She began breathing heavy. Her dad locked her in a closet all the time when she was little for punishment.

"HENRY! BELCH! PENNY! HELP! PLEASE GET ME OUT!" Michelle shouted banging on the door.

Her breathing became more uneven as she stopped banging when giggling was heard behind her.

"Michelle," she heard her name being called but couldn't see anything through the darkness. "You'll float too," whatever it was told her giggling. "You'll float too, you'll float too, you'll float too, you'll float too!" The voice shouted its voice getting more demonic by the minute.

Everything was quiet the only sounds were her uneven breathing as she tried searching  in the dark. Michelle screamed as the light suddenly turned on seeing a deformed bloody face in front of her with only one leg and one arm each.

"PENNYWISE PLEASE GET ME OUT!" Michelle  shouted turning around banging on the door as it suddenly opened causing Michelle to stumble out and fall to the ground as she quickly crawled away from the closet.

"The fuck Michelle? Let's fucking go," Henry says grabbing onto Michelle's arm.

"No I have to see Penny,"

"Hes clearly not here and this place is creepy as fuck! Let's go or Belch and I will leave your ass here,"

"Then go! See if I care,"


"MAYBE ITS BECAUSE I LOVE HIM HENRY!" Michelle finally admitted earning a shocked look from him. 

A/n: literally only a few more chapters to go this story is completed! Thanks for the support and votes you guys rock keep em coming! 🤘

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