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Michelle and Pennywise were tangled in each others arms both exhausted from today's activity.

"That was really your first time?" Pennywise asked as Michelle nodded. "Well I could say you have a skillful tongue and the sweetest smell,"

"Penny!" Michelle yelled embarrassed as Pennywise chuckled and kissed her forehead.

The door had opened then slammed closed as Michelle gasped.

"MICHELLE!" Her father yelled out as Michelle quickly got out of Pennywise's arms and put on a new set of clothes since Pennywise ruined the other ones.

"HENRY! MICHELLE! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" Butch yelled pissed off and upset but mainly over today's events at work and he was gonna take it out on his children.

Michelle quickly gave Pennywise a worried look before she ran downstairs where her father was waiting impatiently.

"There you are, the hell took you so long? Where the fuck is Henry?!"

"H-H-Henry went out to the store with the boys and-"

Michelle let out a loud scream as Butch hit her with the belt hard, causing her to go down to the ground.

"DIDN'T I FUCKING TELL YOU NEVER TO LEAVE HIS SIDE?!" He shouted while hitting her over and over with each sentence.

"DADDY PLEASE STOP! IM SORRY! HE SAID HE'D BE RIGHT BACK!" Michelle cried as the whipping only increased causing a pool of blood to form on the ground below.

Butch was going to hit her one more time, but a gloved hand stopped him as he screamed as he felt his wrist crack, causing the belt to drop to the floor.

What Butch was seeing was unbelievable, it was a clown or at least a form of a clown with a sinister smile on its face showing his rows of piercing sharp teeth, he was slowly looking up at Butch with piercing amber eyes as drool dripped from its mouth. Butch couldn't believe this, no this isn't real.

"Hello Mr. Bowers," It says fully looking up at him now. "You are hurting what belongs to me, and nobody hurts what belongs to me," Pennywise growls crushing his arm harder as Burch's eyes widened in terror.

Just then the door opened revealing Henry on his own with stuff gathered in his hands, he quickly looked up at the Situation and saw Michelle laying on the blood covered floor and Pennywise crushing Butch's hand.

"MICHELLE!" Henry shouted dropping everything and running over to her.

He crouched down to Michelle and was relieved to see her still breathing looking right at Pennywise as Henry did the same and nodded his head at the demon monster who turned to look at them and smiled.

"Kill the bastard Pennywise,"

"What was that boy?" Butch says but started screaming when Pennywise took a huge chunk of his shoulder off.

Blood immediately splattered everywhere as both Michelle and Henry watched Butch being eaten alive.

"This is what happens when you mess with my mate," Pennywise says mouth full of blood as he tore open Butch's insides making him completley stop screaming in terror forever.

Henry watched in fascination as Pennywise completely ate Butch until there was nothing left but the bones.

"Wow that was fucking epic. What the hell took you so long to come aid my sister?" Henry asked furious but stopped as Pennywise turned to face him a mouth full of blood as he picked a bone with his teeth.

"Is she okay? She's still alive right?"

"If she wasn't wouldn't you be dead by now?"

"True, here I'll take her," Pennywise says picking her up from the bloodu ground as he carried her upstairs.

"Wait, we gotta change the plan what gonna happen and who's gonna clean this mess up?"

"You are duh, and just say he never returned home,"

"But Michelle-"

"I got her, just clean this up,"


Pennywise growled as he turned to face Henry in a cold stare.

"Clean. It. Up." He said with gritted teeth before fully taking Michelle upstairs.

Once upstairs Pennywise sighed and layed her gently on the bed as he moved some hair from her face. He slowly began undressing her, taking off her bloody clothes as he left her to go run the bath water. Pennywise has never truly done this so everything is so new to him but hes going to take care of Michelle the best way that he can, after all humans are weak and delicate. Once the bath was ready Pennywise grabbed Michelle and gently placed her in causing her to moan in pain and his as she slowly opened her eyes.


"Shhh it's okay baby doll. Daddys got you," he says washing her as Michelle lightly smiled.

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