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Michelle was finally able to go home but it also meant another beating from her father. He was more eager to get her home as Henry helped her into the police car and got in the back with her. Henry hasn't left her side since she got to the hospital, something has totally changed in Henry for years he's always been a dick to her mostly because he knew she was dad's favorite or at least was his favorite. Michelle feels that after he saw her father beat her with the belt that's when he officially started to become a brother and best friend to her. She was even shocked that he allowed her to rest her head on his shoulder on the way home.

"Get the fuck inside both ya," There dad grumbled slamming the police door shut as he walked in the house.

Henry looked at Michelle as she had a nervous look in her eyes.

"Everything's okay," Henry says before climbing out and quickly going over to her side helping her out of the car.

With the leg cast on she leaned onto Henry as the two made there way inside. Once in they found there dad with a bottle of beer in one hand and the belt tightly clenched in the other. Michelle gulped as Henry gave his dad a glare almost daring him to try something.

"Who the hell you looking at boy?" There dad asked glaring back at Henry.

"Your not laying a hand on Mitch, if anyone's to blame it's me just don't hurt her she's already hurt,"  

"How dare you speak to me that way boy your in no position to demand me what to do! Come here Michelle!"

"D-Daddy please I promise it won't happen again,"


"They won't fucking believe you,"

"My back is proof ya ass hole. All those times you've beat me half to death yeah I've been saving that for the day I decide to turn you in to the proper authorities,"

"Just you watch Michelle. The day your brother leaves is the day your going to get beat worse than what that car did to you. Should have taken you out," he spat before turning away as Michelle frowned.


"I'm not going anywhere you heard what he said," Henry complains as they finally made it up to her room.

"Henry I don't want your whole summer to literally end because of me. I can handle myself ya know, I survived death didn't I? I'm a fighter,"

"Not against dad your not. I'm not leaving you here on.your own,"

"He's at work half the time ya know. Barley goes home now go have fun Hen, I'll call you if I need you,"

"Why you trying to get rid of me?"

'Because I'm dying to see that clown again' Michelle thought.

She honestly hasn't seen him since there last encounter and she wonders what he's been doing all this time. She snapped out of her thoughts when she realizes Henry was staring at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you say something?"

"Yeah I asked why you want me to leave?"

"I told you what, a billion times? Go have fun Hen, I promise to call you if I need ya,"

"Mhmm okay. I'll see you later I guess the boys and I will come back and check up on ya,"

"Ughh don't bring him please,"


"Psycho Patrick,"

Henry laughed.

"Come on he ain't that bad. Heard he got a thing for ya," Henry smirks playfully hitting me on the shoulder.

"Ughh so not my type,"

"Anyways I'm heading out. See ya squirt, dad's most likely gone so yeah,"

"Okay later Hen,"

"See ya Mitch," he says before leaving her behind.

Once she was sure Henry was gone she had let out a sigh of relief and layed down on the bed. She couldn't help but think about Pennywise, she really wanted to see him again and since he did say something about being his mate, maybe calling him will bring him to her? Couldn't help but try. She let out a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Pennywise, Pennywise, Pennywise," she called out three times.

That usually works right?

"WHAT DOLLFACE?!" She suddenly heard somebody yell out as she gasped and sat up.

What she saw shocked her, Pennywise had a mouth full of blood and an arm on his other hand.


"What I was in the middle of eating when I was summoned, it's not my fault,"

"But-but I..... I-"

"Spit it out what you want?"

"Why so mean all of a sudden? Thought I was your mate?"

"I'm mean because you ruined my lunch. And yes you are my mate which is why I'm here if you call I have to immediately show up it's a protective instinct so to speak and since you don't need protecting I'll go,"

"No wait stay please,"


"I just wanna fucking talk to you geeze. Maybe get to know you some more perhaps?"

"Call me later? I'm feasting at the moment as you can see," he said waving the hand at my face.

"And I really surprisingly don't want you as my next meal,"

"I feel offended,"

"Oh well call me later okay I'm extremely hungry and you let my next pray got away now I have to chase him down,"

"Okay whatever do your stuff. I'll see you later Pennywise,"

"Penny or daddy for you princess,"


"Don't make me repeat myself," he said before disappearing from the room.

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