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Michelle raced back downstairs.

"Hey sis what's up with you? Is Pennywise up there with you?" Henry asked as Michelle nodded.

"Yeah, but that's not why I came down,"

"Why'd you come down then?"

"Ummm...... I need you to go to the store for me, I need some personal items,"


"Henry dont make me say it in front of the boys,"

"Oh shit you serious?"

Michelle nodded.

"Ummm I really don't want to get that stuff,"

"Please, Please Henry its urgent and I'm embarrassed to go get them myself, please your older than me so you won't get picked on for it,"

Henry rolled his eyes.

"Fine, anything else? Were going anyways to get junk food,"

"Some snacks would be nice too,"

"Alright well we'll see you later. Give Pennywise my regards and if he tries something I'll find a way to kill him," he says before him, Belch and Patrick left the house.

Michelle sighs and raced back up the stairs.

"Did he just threaten me?" Pennywise asks his eyes turning amber.

"Nevermind that, we only have 15 minutes or less Pennywise," Michelle says slamming the door behind her locking it as she threw herself on him and gave him a hard, messy kiss.

Pennywise groaned as Michelle pushed him back on the bed causing him to growl as he suddenly flipped her over as he was on top instead.

"Daddys always dormant to his little girl," Pennywise husked out as he ripped her clothes open with his claws causing her to gasp as he immediately went towards her breasts and began sucking at them hard.

Michelle was a moaning mess as Pennywise had bit her breast causing blood to poor out before he licked it all up, sliding his tongue down to her soaked panties. He hummed as his nose was burried in her core with her panties still on, taking a whiff of her scent.

"All mine, you belong to daddy, I owe everything about you princess," he growls before tearing the panties away diving his tongue in her center causing her to moan loudly and buck her hips.

"Oh God PENNYWISE!" She shouted gripping onto his fluffy orange hair causing him to stop as he growled at her causing her to pull her hands away from his hair.

"Its daddy to you baby girl and I'm in charge of this not you you pretty little ass," Pennywise says slapping her on the butt causing her to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Pennywise quickly removed his undergarments and Michelle gasped at what she saw. He didn't remove his top but he removed his bottom and what was supposed to be there was wiggling and moving on it's own. It was almost like a tentacle as Pennywise grinned when she couldn't stop staring when Blue like gue started leaking from it.


"More than you fucking know. It's like I have this desire too..... too want to taste it,"

"Go on little girl, taste daddy's large cock,"

Michelle reluctantly crawled over to Pennywise  and slowly but surely opened her mouth as she gasped when the thing moved on it's own and thrusted into her mouth. Pennywise let out a loud none human animalistic growl when he began thrusting his hips causing her to gag and choke only making him thrust harder before roughly pulling out as blue stuff hung from her lips and she gasped for air.

Pennywise growled again as he flipped her over and brought her hips up to his as his tentacle immediately went inside Michelle causing both of them to howl with pleasure and pain. She's gonna have to tell him that this was technically her first time afterwords.

Michelle could feel the tentacle moving around inside her as Pennywise moved his hips hard and fast the pain slowly becoming pleasure as the sounds of there went bodies slapping against each other made her into a moaning mess.

"WHO OWNS YOU?!" Pennywise shouted thrusting harder as he pulled her hair exposing her neck.

"OH GOD YOU DO DADDY! YOU OWN EVERYTHING ABOUT ME! MY BODY, MY SOUL, MY LITTLE CUNT! OH DADDY!" Michelle shouted loud causing Pennywise to shake as he did an inhuman howl causing the House to shake as Michelle also had her release as well.

Pennywise released her as she collapsed on the bed causing him to collapse beside her as well panting heavenly.

"That was the best sex I've ever had," Pennywise says as Michelle grinned kissing his neck.

"You should know Penny," she says in between gasps.


"That was my first time," she revealed causing his eyes to go wide.

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