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It was around sun set when Michelle finally got home and noticed a parked cop car in the driveway. She sighed knowing the hell Henry was going to get as she walked in the house.

"Where have you been?" Her father asked startling her as he was on the chair next to the door.

"I- I- took a walk home daddy that's all,"

He stood up from his chair and faced her with angry eyes.

"What I tell ya? Too many kids goin missing baby, I don't want you being one of them. You are to remain at Henry's side at all times,"

"Yes Daddy I understand,"

He shook his head.

"I don't think you do. Turn around," her dad says taking off the belt.

"D-Daddy please I understand I'm not walking home anymore I'm sorry," Michelle apologized shaking as her back hit the door.

Henry was upstairs listening to his music and slightly worried about his sister. He will admit a lot of kids have gone missing and he shouldn't have let her go off by herself, but a loud scream pierced the air causing him to jump and turn off the music player as he opened his door. Michelle was crying historically.

"P-P-Please daddy- AHHH!" She screamed again crying as Henry ran down the stairs to see Michelle spreading out on the floor in a crouching position holding her head.

"I don't wanna hurt you baby doll but it's to learn your lesson on leaving Henry," he says raising the belt up high but before he could strike her again Henry grabbed his arm.

"Enough dad," Henry said looking at a broken Michelle on the floor.

"You got 3 seconds to let my arm go boy or I will turn around and use the whip on you,"

"Go on ahead you never liked or cared for me anyways. You might as well whip me to death maybe with me out of the way you'll be happier wouldn't you pops?"

"If I didn't like you boy you wouldn't live herw now would you? Next time you get in my way it won't be pretty for the both of y'all," he said ripping his arm away from Henry's grasp and heading to the living room. Once gone, Henry sighed and picked up a shaking Michelle bridal style heading up the stairs. She gripped onto his shirt tight.

"I-I- am sorry a-about r-ruining your r-reputation," she stuttered as Henry shushed her and kicked open her door to her room.

"Its okay none of that matters now," he said gently laying her on the bed. "Michelle, will you be okay?"

"I will be," She whispered back as Henry sighed and kissed her on the head shocking her in surprise.

"Tell anyone and I-"

She chuckled.

"I know, I know. Thank you big brother,"

"I'll be in my room," he mumbled getting up leaving Michelle alone as she slowly drifted off to sleep. 


Michelle was inside a dark place. She couldn't tell if weather or not she was dreaming but the sounds of water dripping sounds like she's in the sewers.... Not too mention the smell is repulsive as well.

"Hello Michelle how nice of you to drop by," Michelle heard a voice say in the darkness causing it to echo around the sewers.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at the familiar voice, but then it clicked. It's the same guy from the sewers!

"PENNYWISE!" She shouted by accident as her voice echoed back to her.

His Amber eyes were the only thing she could see in the darkness.


"Can you come out so I can see you?"

"You want to see me? My appearance will definitely frighten you and then I'll start getting hungry off of your fear and then once I take a bite I might not stop despite what they say about you,"

"About me? And what you mean hungry? You eat people?"

"Yes!" He clapped as he giggled. "But Pennywise preferrs children though but with you being a teenager, and apparently my mate things are complicated,"

"Your mate? What do you mean by that? What are you?"

"It means little Michelle," he says as Michelle got an uncomfortable feeling. "That you are mine," he says before showing his face in the dark causing Michelle to scream in horror.

Eyes On You (Pennywise)Where stories live. Discover now