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"MICHELLE! MICHELLE WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Michelle heard Henry shout as her eyes popped open.

To Henry, Michelle looked horrible her face was sweaty, tears along with fear was in her eyes and her hair was sticked to her face as her breathing was uneven.

"H-H-Henry," she stuttered out looking around the room.

"You look like hell, the fuck happened to you?"

"I-I-It was just a nightmare," she states causing his eyes to soften.

"Was it about dad?"

She shook her head.

"I-It was a-about a C-C- you know I don't even remember," Michelle quickly lies shaking her head. "I just..... Don't want to talk about it,"

"Well okay. Old man is gone it's time to get up for school. You can have the bathroom first Michelle,"

Michelle raised an eyebrow.

"Okay who are you and where's my brother?"

Henry smirked.

"Your brothers right here I told you I've always cared I'm not 100% heartless,"

She chuckled shaking her head.

"Thanks I guess," she shrugged getting up. She rose an eyebrow as Henry was just staring at her. "What?"

He frowned having a serious face on.

"I'm really am sorry about yesterday, with Jason then with Dad as well. I never thought he'd put his hands on you since your the favorite one. I'm also sorry for being an ass all the time and ruining your reputation. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though I may not show it I do love you Michelle ya know? And I'll always be there for you,"

Michelle smiled as she wrapped her arms around her brother.

"You big giant softie, I love you too,"

"Get dressed I need a shower too,"

After both Michelle and Henry were dressed and ready to go, she looked outside and noticed his gang as she groaned and rolled her eyes as they started honking.


"Okay I'm walking,"

"No Mitch come on. Y'all leave her alone she's had it rough yesterday,"

The one Victor rose his eyebrows.

"What like fucked her rough or something? Is her dad that low?"

"No ass hole just leave her alone okay,"

"Wait," Michelle says turning to her brother wide eyed. "You called me Mitch, you haven't called me that since we were kids,"

Henry blushed and crossed his arms.

"Just shut up and get in the car," he grumbles as Michelle smiled and shook her head.


Once at the school she greeted her brother goodbye as she hopped out the car, but of course before she can get anywhere her name was being called.

"YO MICHELLE! BABE!" Jason said as Michelle rolled her eyes and turned to look at him. "Is that outfit for me? Because you look smoking," he says causing his boys to laugh.

"Not in a million years ass hole,"

"Come on babe ya know I'm just playing," he says walking over to her and placing his arms around her.

"Leave me alone," she told him pushing him away as she raced up the stairs and into the building.

She lightly screamed as she fell into somebody coming inside as the other person groaned too.

"Watch where your- oh gosh I'm so sorry don't tell your brother," a female voice said as she got up first and offered her hand which Michelle gladly took and hoisted herself up.

"It's okay and don't worry I don't tell Henry anything, your Beverly right? Beverly Marsh?" She asked looking up at the red head who nodded playing with her fingers.

"And your the Michelle Bowers, Henry is going to kill me for talking to you,"

"Don't worry about my brother Beverly, he's a dick face to everyone including me,"

Beverly nodded but noticed something on my arms as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"H-hey what whappened to your arms?" She asks seeing marks and scratches from when her father beat her with the belt.

"I should go. Ummm nice talking with you," Michelle told her while leaving s stunned Beverly behind.

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