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Michelle ended up going anyways. She'll be damned if she lets some clown tell her what to do especially since he tried killing her.

"Why'd you bring her again?" Victor asked as we pulled up to the house.

"Cause she's my sister and needs to live a little,"

"Yeah but she's like underaged,"

"That's why your not going to be drinking anything got it?"

"Yes big brother,"

"And if I see a guy try to hit on you or grind on you, I'll carve my name into there skin, ready?"

Michelle rolled her eyes as music filled her ears when she and the gang went inside with Henry walking closely behind her.

"WHOSE PARTY?!" She shouted through the music.

Henry shrugged.

"SOME GIRL NAME ANNA FROM SCHOOL!" Henry shouted back.


"NO YOU DONT!" Henry says dragging her to the dance floor.


At this point Michelle was at the dance floor dancing with Victor while Henry and Belch went in the back with some girls. She didn't want to know for she didn't want any disturbing images in her mind of some girl fucking her brother.

"I'm gonna go sit down," Michelle tiredly says as Victor nodded and walked off somewhere.

She was thirsty, extremely thirsty but she had promised Henry not to drink anything as she made her way over to the couch and sat down. She closed her eyes for about two minutes before she felt the couch sank down next to her.

"HEY YOU LOOK THIRSTY!" She heard a male voice shout as she opened her eyes and looked over at him.

He had short black hair, big brown eyes, pale skin and a smile that'll make anyone melt. He handed her a drink and she immediately declined.

"I PROMISED MY BROTHER I WOULDN'T DRINK ANYTHING!" Michelle told him before scooting a little closer to the male.

"Oh come on it's just water, he won't let you drink that either?" He asked smile never leaving his face.

It was kinda starting to creep her out but she looked down at the water. It's just water right?

"Sure, I guess thank you," she says taking the drink.

She placed the drink in her mouth and quickly drowned it, she admit it did have a weird after taste but it was sink water so she didn't think anything of it.

"I'm Michael, Anna's cousin,"

"Oh, I'm Michelle. Michelle Bowers,"

"Well it's nice to meet ya,"

"You mean you don't know me? Or my brother?"

"Should I?"

"No, no your okay. Do you have something else? I'm really thirsty,"

"Fruit punch?" He asked smirking as he handed her his drink.

Michelle nodded before taking a sip, noticing the weird after taste again. She tried handing it back to him but he shook his head.

"Drink it you need it more than I do, I'll be back I'm gonna get more for both of us,"

"Alright," she told him while he stood up and left.

Michelle quickly scanned the crowd, noticing that Victor was gone along with Henry and Belch. She'd hope that they didn't leave her behind. Michelle finished the rest of the drink and began to fill dizzy once she stood up.

"Hey, you don't look so good," Michael says coming back with two drinks.

Michelle's vision was getting blurry as she saw the smirk on his face.

"M-My brother. I-I- have to find my brother,"

"You need a sit Michelle you look like your about to pass out. What's his name? I'll go looking,"

Michelle moaned as she could barley keep her eyes opened and stumbled backwards till she hit the couch.

"H-H-Henry," she stuttered struggling to keep her eyes opened. "B-Belch," a-and-"

"Sleep. You should get some sleep," he said before Michelle's eyes fully closed.


It was an hour before Henry finally came out of the room with a smirk on his face. He just got done doing a girl and now he was on the dance floor searching for Michelle.

"MICHELLE!" He yelled over the loud music. "MICHELLE!" He shouted again searching the crowd for his little sister.

"YO HENRY!" Belch suddenly yelled from behind him slapping his shoulders.

He had a drink in his hand and was obviously drunk.

"Have you seen Michelle?" Henry asked worried.

"Maybe she went home?"

"No, Michelle wouldn't do that. Come on let's check upstairs,"

Belch nodded his head as he and Henry made there way up the stairs.

"Where's Victor? Wasn't he supposed to be on Michelle watch?"

"Probably left her to fuck some girl. Fucking bastard," Henry cursed under his breath as he opened up the first door that he saw and what he saw scared him shitless as both him and Belch's eyes widened.

It was a clown, a bloody clown chewing on a guys insides. He instantly looked up with a smile, rows full of bloody teeth as his Amber eyes turned blue. He nodded over to a half naked Michelle who was passed out on the bed.

"I told her," he began getting up the floor a bloody mess. "I warned her, I warned her not to go to this party and she did so anyways. People who don't listen to Pennywise has to get punished,"

"H-How do you know- what are you? What the fuck are you?"

"Pennywise the dancing clown. I suggest you let me take little ol Michelle here just for a couple days. Promise ta bring her back,"

"N-NO!" Henry shouted.

"Tsk, tsk Henry Bowers you have no say," he says as Michelle started floating in the air towards Pennywise as he now had her in his arms.

"I promise I won't hurt her, no no Pennywise cannot," he said before he flashed him a smile before disappearing along with his sister.

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