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It was the last day of school and Michelle couldn't be more than happy to get out of this last class she had.

"Hey Bowers," Jason called but she ignored him and continued drawing the thing she keeps seeing.

Michelle only turned around when Jason threw something on her head.

"What?" She hissed out annoyed.

"Get ready to fuck when schools over Bowers. You and me and my pals here,"

"In your dreams," Michelle muttered before turning around again.

The sound of the bell ringing reached her ears as she quickly stood up and got out of class. She didn't even look behind her to see if Jason was following when he grabbed onto her arm roughly.

"Hey bitch I thought I said we and my crew gonna fuck?"

"I'm not fucking interested in you dick head get that in your thick skull,"

"Leave her alone Jason," the sound of her brothers voice called as him, Victor, Patrick and Belch was walking down the hallway.

Jason grinned.

"Ahh, my favorite Bowers came to save your sister? How weak," Jason taunted throwing Michelle to the ground in front of him.

Henry quickly got her up and pushed her behind him.

"Look bro I don't care what you say or do to me but if you ever and I mean ever go near or even take a glance at my sister I will stab you in ways you'll never imagine," he threatened going eye to eye with him.

They had an intense stare down for a few seconds as Jason huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever she's a slut anyways,"

That seemed to got Henry worked up as he suddenly punched Jason in the face, causing him to stumble back and fall as he looked up at Henry with wide eyes.

"I'm not giving you a third warning," he says grabbing Michelle's hand and leading her away from him.

Once outside, Michelle let his hand go causing him to turn around and raise his eyebrow.

"What was that about? Ever since dad.... You know you've been acting different like you really care,"

"Didn't I tell you I actually do care? Your my sister I'm supposed to protect  you now go wait in the car I got something to do," he said heading towards a group of kids who were staring at us.

"Henry leave em alone. Henry!" She called shaking her head following after him.

Once she caught up with him, he was mocking the boy Billy she believes his name was?

"W-W-What was that B-B-Billy? You've got a free pass because of your little brother but that pass is over,"

"Henry leave him alone," Michelle told him getting in from of Bill.

"Michelle didn't I tell your ass to get in the car?"

"I'm not going to stand and watch you hurt these guys Henry,"

Henry suddenly had a flash of anger in his eyes.

"Have you losers been talking with my sister knowing the rules I have for her?"

"No dick face your sisters hot as hell but I won't go near her even if it's to save my life,"

At that point Michelle had to stop Henry by holding out her hands to his chest as he tried to stalk forward.



"Henry come on let's go home,"

"Yeah go home and blow your dad and your sister!"

Michelle turned to face Richie with a hurtful expression.

"Belch," Henry said clenched fists.


"Take Michelle home now! Victor, Patrick let's teach these losers a lesson," Henry grunted taking off as the losers ran from him.


"Umm.... Here ya go I gotta go," Belch says dropping her off as he sped off as soon as he got out.

"Bye I guess,"

Michelle sighed in relief when her father wasn't there but couldn't help but get a sudden weird feeling as she stared at the house. It was almost like it stared back at her, she's usually used to going home with Henry not being by herself. What Michelle saw next shocked her, it was a red balloon standing in the middle of the street. Curious, she walked over to it and just kept looking at it. Her face got a little bit too close as the balloon popped and blood sprayed everywhere on her. Shocked, she screamed and closed her eyes trying to wipe the blood away from her eyes and the next thing she knows is that she heard the screeching sounds of tires and right when she was able to see again her whole world went dark.

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