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"Y-Y-You what?" Henry stutters shocked.

"I love him okay. I do and in 5 days he'll  be gone forever! You understand  why I'm doing this right? I can't leave without knowing hes okay first,"

"Well don't bother coming back then. Stay with him for all I care,"

"W-What? Henry-"

"Your killing yourself over a monster that isn't human. And I'm not looking forward to die in this hell so if you wanna stay here be my guest,"

"H-Henry! HENRY COME BACK!" Michelle yelled as he was leaving.

Tears pooled in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away. 

"Cant cry now have to find Penny,"

"No need," a cheerful voice says giggling  as Michelle turned around to see Pennywise back to his old self.

'Penny!" Michelle shouted in relief.

"You just dont listen do you Michelle. Does Daddy need to teach Michelle a lesson once again?"

"N-No daddy its just..... I was worried about you, you were injured and weak, I had to see if you were okay,"

"I am Pennywise the dancing clown, a metal rod doesnt kill me my little human. I heard what you said to Henry,"

"Oh, ummm..... Heat of the moment thing?"

Pennywise chuckled as he kissed her on the head.

"I know I'm not perfect, but im going to try my best not to eat you. You know what this means right?"

"What? Oh.... The whole dying together thing?"

Pennywise nodded.

"Just tell me the truth Michelle. You can always tell me to go away and I'll never bother you again. Will I be sad? Yes but knowing that your safe and alive is at least better for me than you not being dead do you love me? Like really really love me?"

"I'm not asking you to go away nor will I ever Pen. But I'm still confused to the whole thing but yes I do love you in some weird messed up way, I wouldn't mind spending my life with you,"

"So you'll float with me then when the time is right for our long rest? That means no more seeing Henry or any of your friends,"

"Like I had some to begin with. And Henry hates me for being in love with you anyways,"

"W-W-What t-the h-hell? M-Michelle?" Michelle heard the voice of Bill Denbrough say as Pennywise stepped in front of Michelle hissing at Bill.

"Bill what are you doing here?" She asked peaking over Pennywise's shoulder.

"I-I came b-back to finish this thing off a-and why are you here confessing y-your love for IT?"

"Its none of your concern Bill just leave us be. It's not like you were ever my friend,"

"Y-Your a B-Bowers I couldn't be friends w-with you,"

"You better go Billy before you end up like Georgie," Pennywise says looking straight at him with amber eyes and a drool coming from his mouth.

"F-Fine but-but I know your weakness now a-and we will use it a-against y-you,"

"Use Michelle in any kind of way and I will kill all of you for putting her in danger,"

Bill nodded smirking as he looked at Michelle one last time before leaving the house.

"Great now the secrets out," Pennywise says turning around to face her as he placed his head on her shoulder.

Michelle awkwardly began rubbing his bright orange hair in comfort as he sighed.

"Its gonna be okay Pen. You'll protect me right?"

"With them alone yes but if there together they may over power me, I'm going to have to keep you here cant afford you to be alone not with the damn losers out in the open,"

Michelle nodded.

"Its not like Henry wants me home anyways. I'll stay with you I promise,"

Pennywise looked up at her as his eyes narrowed.

"That's a lot to promise dollface. You might run from me,"

Michelle chuckled shaking her head.

"Were mates Penny I wouldn't run from you,"

Pennywise smiled.

"We'll test that theory my dear. Now where does my human want to live?"

"W-What so you mean?"

"Well, I figured since we are practically together I dont want to live here or the sewers. I was wondering if maybe you'd like your own house with me? I'm a shapeshifter and I can make it into anything you desire,"

Michelle shook her head.

"Just being with you is fine with me Pen, you can create us a house in your image but I have to go home first and get my stuff,"

"But that's leaving you alone,"

"I'll be alright I'm sure Henry will be there, plus your hungry," Michelle says as soon as Pennywise's stomach began growling.

"Dont worry about me just..... Here," he says snapping his fingers as the two were suddenly in a room.

"Holy hell how'd you do that?"

He smirked but before replying the door had opened.

"Michelle?" The sound of Henry's voice sounded as the two stared at each other.
A/N: Stories coming to a close soon three more chapters perhaps. Should I do a lemon? Comment below

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