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"Henry," Michelle coldly says as she began packing her bag.

Henry sighed.

"Where are you going Michelle?"

"To live with Penny. Like you care,"

"Your giving IT nicknames now? Hold on just stop, stop," Henry says stopping her from moving anymore. "You cant go, you cant leave me here alone with dad,"

"Why not? You said you didn't care anymore. You stopped giving a fuck about me,"

"I was just angry okay. I didn't mean any of it just please dont leave me your the only family I got left,"

Michelle sighed.

"Pennywise and I.... Are together now. We cant be apart from each other for long Henry, you and I both know that plus what are you gonna do when I have to go take a long rest with him?"

"Well since dad cant see him I guess he can stay here with us, and I dont like this but it cant be helped unless hes not telling you something about this," Henry accused glaring straight at Pennywise.

Pennywise held up his hands.

"I wouldn't and cant lie to Michelle anyways. I have to be truthful with her, besides even if I could I wouldn't lie to her anyways. She's too innocent,"

"Oh you cant? Ask him Michelle,"

"Ask him wh... Oh, ummm..... Penny I have a question and like you said you cant lie to me," Michelle begins as Pennywise rolled his eyes.

"What is it dollface? Get on with it,"

"What are you going to do about our dad? You said you had a plan but never really explained it,"

Pennywise sighs.

"When the time was right I was going to have Henry kill your father and the losers,"

"What? Do you know how much trouble he'd get into?"

"Well I thought with Henry out of the way you would come to me and be with me without second thoughts since you'd have nobody else to turn or go to,"

Michelle shook her head.

"Pennywise that's insane. I cant believe you actually thought that would work!"

"Stupid fucking clown," Henry grumbles crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry dollface. And I never apologize to anyone,"

"First time for everything right? And that still doesnt excuse your actions,"

"I didn't take any though, not yet at least,"

"Welp hes got a point," Henry says as Michelle rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but no funny business okay. No putting my family in danger, well accept dad of course,"

"So how did you want me to do it if I cant use your brother?"

"Patrick? That psycho can pretty much kill anyone,"

"Yeah but then he'd get in trouble. Cant put that on him, why cant you do it?"

"Because your dad dont believe in me. He cant see me,"

"But isn't that the point? Nobody can pin point on who did it if your invisible to the adults,"

"Then they'd blame you Henry,"

Henry shook his head as a smile formed on his face.

"No, I'll take a video of me at Belch's house with Patrick and Victor, we all could be there and then they cant say either one of us did it, solid plan,"

"Wait. I just realized something,"

"What is it Michelle?" Pennywise asked.

"Are we really talking about a way to murder our own dad here?"

"Butch isn't our father. Real fathers dont beat there kids till oblivion,"

"True but it doesn't feel right, talking about a murder plan,"

"He'll be out of our lives Michelle. We can finally live free and you can be with..... That thing over there,"

"HEY! I have a name its Pennywise, the-"

"Dancing clown yeah, yeah whatever,"

Pennywise frowned.

"If you weren't Michelle's brother," Pennywise grumbled crossing his arms.

Michelle rolled her eyes.

"Stop acting like children, are we in on this plan or what?"

"Yeah, full solid proof plan,"

"Alright guys let's get this over with,"

"Let's wait a few days so it won't seem suspicious,"


"Just a few days I promise,'

"A lot can happen in a few days Henry," Michelle says with a frown on her face.

Eyes On You (Pennywise)Where stories live. Discover now