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The day consisted of Michelle struggling to get downstairs whenever she was hungry or thirsty, so when she went to get a drink the door busted open as laughter was heard around the house. In came Henry, Belch, Victor and Patrick.

"Did you see the way he begged? Please! Please no Henry don't do this," Patrick mocked somebody.

"I'll do anything else please don't hurt me," Belch was next to mock as the group laughed.

"Henry who you picking on now?" Michelle asks closing the fridge.

The laughter stopped as the boys turned to look at her, Patrick beaming with happiness.

"My princess is alive!" Patrick says coming over to hug her.

She groaned as she pushed him away to breathe.

"Tryin to kill me Patrick?"

"I wouldn't hurt the woman I so desperately love,"

"Cut it out Pat she's still my sister," Henry mumbles shoving him.

"Glad to see your okay Squirt we haven't heard from either of you since you got to the hospital," Victor says.

"Yeah after Henry got the call he was a sobbing mess, spilled everything on what happened," Belch also says nodding. 

"Henry? Henry Bowers crying for little old me?"

"Shut up," Henry says with a small smile. "Anyways we just stopped by to check on ya I'll be back before old man gets home and finds I'm gone,"

"You sure you don't want me to stay Princess?" Patrick asked with a devious smirk.

"In your dreams Patrick,"

"Ouch I'm wounded," he says placing his hand on his heart fake pouting before leaving with the rest of the group.

Once gone Michelle sighed and looked back upstairs wondering how she was going to get back up on her own. She smiled.

"Got it, Pennywise, Pennywise, Pennywise,"

Once Michelle opened her eyes Pennywise sat in her dads Chair with a bored expression on his face.

"You called?"

"We're you busy?"

"More like taking a nap before my next victim. What is it?"

"Umm.... Henry's gone out with friends I need help getting back upstairs I mean this is technically your fault ya know," Michelle responds pointing at her boot.

"Fair enough," he said opening his mouth wide as Michelle's whole world went black.


Once Michelle woke up she was in her bed. She couldn't remember what happened or how she managed to get in her bed by herself.

"Your welcome,"

She shrieked at the voice but suddenly calmed when it was only Pennywise, he was for some reason in the closet with the door barley open but she could see his calm blue eyes.

"Ummm why you in the closet?"

"Because your windows are open and it's daylight. Pennywise hates daylight,"

"Oh ummm..... Hold on," she tells him quickly getting up closing the windows and the blinds.

"Okay better?"

"Better," he says stepping out breathing a sigh of relief.

Michelle egarly sat on her bed.

"So tell me about yourself. What are you?"

"Whatever ya want me to be dollface, I'm a shape shifting deity,"

"Deity, like demon?"

"Something like that,"

"How long have you been alive?"

"Way before earth was even evolved to what it is now,"

"So, over a trillion years old?"

"Not that old princess, what you trying to call me an old man?" He asked as Michelle giggled.

"Is your only source of food people?"


"So if I were to give you burger and fries you wouldn't eat it?"

"Wouldn't satisfy my hunger like people do. I feed off of fear,"

"Would you ever hurt me?" Michelle asked looking up at him.

"I honestly don't know the answer to that question. I don't want to but if something clicks I just might,"

"Hey can you do me a favor?"

"Can I not?"

"Don't you have to do everything I say?"

"Don't think you can use that as your advantage Princess,"

"Well.... It's my dad," Michelle began to explain. "He's always beating on Henry and I and..... I seriously sometimes wish he were dead,"

Pennywise have Michelle this creepy weird smile as his blue eyes lit up in excitement.

"You asking me to kill him?"

"Is it too much?"

He giggled.

"I prefer children but adults aren't so bad. I got the perfect plan,"

"Thank you Pennywise,"

He growled as I shrieked when he roughly grabbed onto my jaw and forced me to stare into his eyes.

"It's Daddy princess,"

"Y-Yes Daddy,"

He was suddenly just staring at me as he took a long wif of me his eyes suddenly glowing Amber and he began drooling with a sinister smile on his face.

"D-Daddy, Penny are you there?" Michelle asked as he just kept staring at her.

It almost seemed like he was at war with himself at the moment.

"I just want a taste, a taste and that's all, I won't kill her," he said talking to himself as he licked his lips.

"P-Penny your scaring me,"

His grin only got wider showing his large rows of teeth.

"Let me just take a bit, one bite," he said roughly grabbing her arm. 

"P-P-Penny stop it your hurting me,"

His mouth only seemed to get wider as she tried pulling her arm away tears running down her face.

"PENNYWISE STOP!" She shouted loud enough as he stopped just before he could take a big chomp of her arm off.

When she looked back at him Pennywise had what looked like a guilty face as he frowned. He shouldn't want to even kill his mate.

"P-Penny is that you?"

"I should go, i have to go," Pennywise said before disappearing in the room.

Eyes On You (Pennywise)Where stories live. Discover now