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"Patrick is everything okay in there?" Patrick's mom asked while lightly knocking on the door.

"Y-Yeah mom! My friends are just messing around!"

"Okay honey come out and eat when your ready or if you want to,"

Once footsteps were gone Patrick turned to Pennywise as his amber eyes that seemed angry looked straight into his dark brown ones.

"I-I'm sorry,"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry for what I did to Michelle, she's all yours I promise just please, please I want my life to be normal. I-I can't stand living in hell! Please ph great one make my life-"

"Patrick!" Both Michelle  and Henry yelled as Patrick's  eyes rolled to the back of his head and he was once again floating.

"There enough of that," Pennywise  says closing his mouth. "That boy is seriously irritating how do you hang out with him?"

"Ask my brother he's the one making stupid friends,"

Henry rolled his eyes before crossing his arms.

"Where did you say you were planning  on taking my sister?"

"To sleep with me. As mates we cannot be apart from each other once we fall in love or if we do if one is not with the other we simply die,"

"Die?" Michelle squeaked out.

"Yes but only if we fall for one another,"

"So it's simple," Henry began crossing his arms. "Stay the fuck away from my sister so this shit doesnt happen,"

"Only if she wants me too. I'm not forced to obey your rules. So what ya say doll face? Do ya want me to stay away from ya?"

Michelle thought about it for a bit as she kept looking back in forth between Henry and Pennywise. She wasn't looking forward to dying but she'd also miss Pennywise after all he's showed her nothing but kindness and protectiveness around her. And he was the only friend she could ever truly have without Henry beating someone up for it. She sighed it was her decision  not his.

"I-I want you to stay Pennywise,"

"MICHELLE!" Henry shouted upset.

"You can't be upset about this Henry. Pennywise has been my only friend because you wouldn't let me have normal friends plus you didn't start caring about me until that day dad wipped the shit out of me,"

"That's not true! I've always cared I just don't know how to fucking show it sometimes! I'm always the one getting abused Michelle  you were daddy's favorite and that's what I hated about you, but in a way I rather get beat than you because your my sister and I hate to see you get hurt. But if you go with this clown thing there's a chance you can die and you'll leave me here with dad alone.... I just don't wanna lose you,"

"And you won't Hen, I promise it's only if were apart from each other for too long. I love you Henry," Michelle says as she went over to him and hugged him tight.

She could feel a few tears on her shoulder as Henry wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you too Michelle more than you know,"

"Who knew the biggest bully in Derry has a soft side for his sister," Pennywise chuckled while Henry glared at him and pushed Michelle away having her roll her eyes at him.

"Not fucking soft clown better watch yourself. If you ever hurt my sis in anyway the gang and I will kill you together,"

"Hmmm.... I have to go," Pennywise  mumbled as Michelle turned to Him.

"What's wrong?" She asked seeing as his amber eyes were glowing bright.

"I have to go," he mumbled again before disappearing.

"Wait what about.... Patrick?" Michelle asked but was too late as he was gone. 

"Wake him up Michelle, I think he's endured long enough," Henry says as Michelle sighed and rolled her eyes once more.

"Fine," she groaned as Henry lifted him down to face her as she planted her lips on his as a startled gasp was heard two minutes later. 

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