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"Pennywise, Pennywise, Pennywise," she called hoping he'd show up.

"What?" He asked as he was in the corner of her room.

Michelle ran to Pennywise and wrapped her arms around his waist causing him to stiffen for a moment.

"Where have you been? Why am I now just seeing you today?!" Michelle whispered/ yelled so Henry wouldn't hear in the next room.

Pennywise smiled as she let go of him.

"Missed me that much did ya doll?" He asked grinning as Michelle punched his arm.

"I haven't seen you in a week, I thought you were supposed to answer when I call?"

"Yeah it's called ignoring you,"


"I hurt you doll face remember? I'm not supposed to want to hurt or even eat my mate yet I couldn't control it I wanted to eat you so I took time to get myself together as they say,"

"By doing what? Eating more kids?"

He grinned.

"Ya got it,"

"Well anyway I wanted to thank you for saving me from.... Patrick,"

He frowned.

"Wasn't much of a saving considering you saved him from the deadlights,"

"You saw?"

"Course I did what ya think I don't keep my eyes on you?"

"Why do you keep your eyes on me? Like I get were supposably mates and all but is there any other reason than that?"

"You and I are one of the same, which is why I only have my eyes on you,"


Before Michelle could ask any more questions, the door busted open as Michelle panicked but looked to see Pennywise was gone.

"WHOSE IN HERE?!" Henry shouted going to the room opening the closets and looking out the window.


"I heard voices who was with you? Was it Patrick? Victor? Belch? A loser?"

"No! No I was just talking to myself Henry I have the tendency to do that when your a loner,"

His eyes seemed to soften as he sat on the edge of her bed patting a seat next to him as she sat beside him.

"I'm sorry for ruining your life I really am,"

"It's okay I think it's becoming slightly better,"

"Listen me and the guys are going to a party tonight wanna come?"

"Nah not a party girl,"

"Come on Bowers get in the game," 

"Ughh will you leave if I say yes?"

He smirked.


"Fine," she told him as he grinned and kissed her head.

"Be ready by 7,"

"Will Patrick be there?" Michelle couldn't help but ask causing Henry to frown.

"No, according to Belch whatever happened to him he hasn't been the same. Kept muttering something about a clown and freaked out over every little thing, he even attempted to jump out the car because he said he saw something that scared the shit out of him,"

"Oh," Michelle says feeling slightly bad knowing Patrick will forever be tormented.

"Well I'm out be ready at 7," Henry says before closing the door.

"Your not going," Pennywise growled startling Michelle as he was at the corner of her room.

Michelle sighed.

"What you do to Patrick?"

"He was in a loophole of his greatest fear in the deadlights,"

"Patrick afraid of something? Unbelievable,"

Pennywise giggled.

"You'll never believe of what,"



"Leeches?" She asked in an unbelievable tone.

"Yes so I sent him in a loophole where leeches suck out his blood and crawl into his mouth and feast on his whole body,"

"Oh, sounds horrible,"

"Anyways don't go to that party, this is my only warning,"

"So what if I do? You can't keep me locked in here,"

His tone began to get serious as his eyes turned Amber.

"Do. Not. Go. To. That. Party," Pennywise growled. "It's for your own good," he warned before leaving her room completely.

Eyes On You (Pennywise)Where stories live. Discover now