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Michelle was able to finally go home and luckily there dad wasn't there at all. She wonders when the hell her dad was gonna die anyways because the anticipation was killing her slowly.

"I'll be in my room," She called out to Henry and his friends.

"Keep the door open!" Henry calls as Michelle gave him a 'really' look before rolling her eyes and heading upstairs.

What she saw shocked her slightly. It was Pennywise he was already in her room sitting on the bed looking at her personal photo albums. The one she remembers with her mom and Henry before she left. 

"PENNY!" She shrieked causing the eldritch to jump slightly as he looked up at Michelle with dancing blue eyes.

"Heya Michelle, I see your feeling better," Pennywise says as Michelle stomped over to him and grabbed the photo album causing him to frown.

"I was enjoying that,"

"I'm so mad at you right now penny! You cant physically go though my stuff without asking me! This is very personal the only memories of mom I had left before dad started beating us half to death!" Michelle says tears threatening to  come out of her eyes but she blinked them away.

Pennywise frowned.

"I'm sorry Michelle, I truly am I just wanted to see ya as a child, I didn't get the chance to haunt you against the rules,"

"Wait. How long exactly have you known that we were supposed to be mates?"

"Since I first arrived on Earth. Way before you were even born,"

"You've waited that long? For me?"

Pennywise nodded slowly.

"Had to wait till you were of age to tell you everything,"

"Pennywise...... I'm sorry you had to wait I really am,"

"Its fine. Were together now anyways, besides I was enjoying my alone time before I am forced to settle down with someone,"

"Oh," Michelle says looking down.

Pennywise sighs getting up and going to her as he placed a finger under her chin.

"Look I'm not too sure how this whole thing works but I don't want to be with you because I have to. I want to be with you because I already love you. I always have, even when you didn't exist yet,"

"Oh Penny," Michelle says awe struck as a couple of tears escaped her eyes. "I love you too more than you know," she says before slamming her lips on his own.

Pennywise was shocked and taken back at first as he immediately pulled away causing Michelle to sigh and slightly feel rejected.

"I-I-Im sorry that was an-"

Before she could say 'accident' Pennywise had grabbed both of her cheeks and pressed his lips on hers, shocking her this time. The kiss itself was a little sloppy, considering how Pennywise drools alot but she surprisingly felt no teeth as she deepened the kiss by pushing him back to the bed and instantly grabbing at his surprisingly soft red hair. Pennywise growled into the kiss and flipped them over causing her to be on the bottom. Getting a little heated Pennywise wasted no time in shoving his tongue in her mouth causing her to gasp at how long it was. She moaned when he wrapped his tongue around hers and began to suck on it. She suddenly whined at the loss when he pulled away and began to smirk.

"I would  love for you to get rid of your brother and his loony friends," Pennywise says in a husky voice as he trailed a clawed finger down her lips.

"Why?' Michelle breathed out as his finger went to her lips, past her breasts, and straight to her panties causing Michelle to gasp and instantly close her legs.

"Penny what are you-"

"Your so wet for daddy my little human. Did that kiss make you think dirty thoughts on what daddy wants to do to you?"

"Oh Penny," Michelle moaned as he rubbed his finger in her core faster.

"Look at daddy for me princess," Pennywise says causing Michelle to barely open her eyes and look at him.

"Get rid of your brother and his friends," he sternly says before taking his hand away and showing her leaking juices on his fingers. "Now," he hisses out causing Michelle to nod her head.

A/N: welp I asked before and nobody really answered so next chapter is a SMUT also my first time writing about a demonic clown sex scene(Does he even have one?) But it will be Rated R and yes I am very graphic coming to these things so if you dont like just wait for the next chapter but I'll warm you again in bold for the next one.

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