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"Hey yo Michelle," a voice Michelle knew too well said with a giggle as she realized she was once again in the sewers.

"Pennywise always a pleasure," she rolled her eyes as he came from the dark. "Did you kill me?"

"Tried to not going to lie, mostly because your my mate and I wanted you to float with me forever,"

"I'm not your mate so I'm not too sure where you got that from,"

He giggled.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out, ever wonder why you aren't afraid of me like everyone else?"

"I don't know you don't look too bad. Sure you scared me half to death the other day but only because it was dark and you suddenly showed up out of nowhere and scared me,"

"And I feed off of fear but not you. Your fear is different from the rest it's more intoxicating doesn't make me wanna eat ya more like crave ya oh shit," the clown cursed getting mad as he began shaking his bells on his outfit ringing.


"Wake the fuck up your actually dying,"


Pennywise rolled his eyes as his teeth suddenly got wide and his eyes were a glowing Amber color and that's when he began running at me.

I woke up in a startled gasp.

"SHES BACK! SHES ALIVE!" Michelle heard someone shout as a hand immediately grasped her own.

She slowly turned her head as her eyes met face to face with a worried Henry Bowers. His eyes were red and glossy, could he have been crying over her? THE Henry Bowers crying over his sister Michelle Bowers?

"H-Henry?" She tried to choke out but he shushed her.

"Shh, shh don't talk. It's okay, I'm so sorry Michelle," he cried grasping her hand tighter.

"What happened?"

"T-This asshole didn't see you and ran you over I almost lost you. It was my fault if I didn't- If I didnt-"

"Henry," Michelle weakly says as Henry started sobbing. "Hen its not your fault. I'm the one who stood in the middle of the road,"

Henry smiled a little, despite his tears still running down his face.

"You called me Hen, you haven't called me that since we were kids,"

Michelle let out a small laugh before coughing Violently seeing the worried look in Henry's eyes again.

"So, what's broken?"

"Your left leg and right arm, and you have a bump on the back of your head, your lucky it wasn't anything worse than that,"

"How did you find out I got hit?"

"Dad..... He took his anger out on me when he got a call from the hospital. He blames me for what happened and I don't honestly blame him. I let you go again I'm a shitty brother,"

"No, no, no Henry don't say that yeah sure your a dick sometimes but your still my brother who protects and loves me. You show your love for me your own way and that's not being a shitty brother,"

Before Henry could say anything the doors busted open as dad came in. Henry shamefully looked down as dad gave him a harsh glare.


"Shut up, what the hell were you doing in the middle of the road? Ya know how many bills you costing me for being here?"

"I'm sorry dad I thought I saw something I-I didn't see the car,".

"Your in hell of a lot of trouble when you get the fuck out of here. I told you to stay by your brothers side at all cost and this dumbass let you go again and that's how you ended up here,"

"Henry is not a dumbass dad you've put him in enough hell when are you done? He didn't know any of this would happen. Some of the losers club called me names and that's why Belch dropped me off home Henry was sticking up for me but of course all you see is a dumbass in him!"

"DAD!" Henry shouted wide eyed as Butch slapped her across the face.


"Okay," a doctor said coming inside the room.

"Mr. Bowers your daughter is lucky to be- is..... Everything okay?" He asked as Michelle had silent tears down her face and Henry still had a shocked look on his face he could feel the intensity and awkwardness in the room.

"Everything is fine when can she go home?"

"In about two days but she has to stay away from playing or anything like that for about a week though bed rest she could have a concussion from that bump on her head. Don't want her falling or tripping that'll hit hsr head,"

"I'll take care of her," Henry offered as the doctor raised his eyebrows.

"Aren't you Henry Bowers? School bully?"

"Yeah so?"

"Nothing just never thought you'd care about someone other than yourself,"

Henry scoffed.

"I have a sister, I'm not 100% a heartless bitch,"


"Y-Yes sir?"

"Watch the damn language boy this is a professional doctor,"

"I'll be okay on my own, besides Hen I don't want to ruin your summer because of me,"

"The boys and I will still be there for you your not spending a minute alone last time that happened you ended up here," Henry mumbled causing Michelle to slowly smile.

Eyes On You (Pennywise)Where stories live. Discover now