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The others ran off leaving poor Bill behind as he held Michelle roughly over his shoulder. Michelle was currently knocked out at the moment, with blood dripping from her forehead creating a messy pool on the grass below. Perhaps Beverly had hit her harder than Bill thought.

"Y-You c-Cant touch me. I-I-I have M-Michelle,"

"You think I honestly care about Michelle?" Pennywise asks smirking.

"I-I-I know y-You do. O-Otherwise y-you wouldn't be here,"

"I'm forced to come when she calls stupid. I'm only using her to keep myself alive a little bit longer before se both have to go to rest, hand Michelle like a good boy and I won't eat ya so bad. I'll let you keep your insides,"

"I-I-I know your lying. I know you feel s-Something for her otherwise you could ignore this whole thing. You dont always have to come for her, protect her, or even care for her but you do and I-it scares you knowing that w-we know your weakness. Y-You love her, a-and you cant deny that, j-just like you took g-G-Georgie away, I'm going t-to take Michelle away from you,"

"How do you plan to do that dick ward?" Bill could hear Henry say from behind him as he was shoved to the ground causing Michelle to fall out of his arms and to the ground.

Bill groaned as he turned to look to see Patrick and Belch with Henry all having angry faces. Henry took out his switchblade and grabbed Bill by the hair.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't cut your insides out and feed it to the clown? Belch, take Michelle to the car. It's a good thing we followed her," Henry says having the blade at his throat. "You touched my sister, hurt my sister, and threatened to kidnap my sister. I'm going to cut you so hard right now," he says cutting open his white shirt with the blade.

"S-S-Stop please. I-I-Im sorry H-Henry,"

"Oh you gonna fucking be loser," He says as he started carving an H into his stomach causing Bill to cry and scream in pain.

"Henry," The clown who went back to his normal form says while drolling as his eyes turned an amber color.

"As much as I enjoy watching him suffer, we have to make sure your sister's okay. She lost a lot of blood and could possibly have what you humans call a concussion,"

Henry stops looking up at the clown as he just finished carving the E. He growls throwing a bleeding Bill on the floor.

"Touch her again and your dead, come on Clown,"

"Its Pennywise,"



Michelle woke up to a white light.

"God I'm dead," she groans.

"Not exactly," she heard her brother say as she blinked and turned her head to see Him, Belch and Patrick standing around her bed.

"Henry? Where am I? What's going on?"

"Your at the hospital, you had to get stitches on your head. Turns out that girl hit you harder than she thought,"

"Beverly? Oh my gosh wheres-"

"Your creepy ass boyfriend is fine, probably down in the sewers somewhere. He cant show up to a hospital with a lust for humans," Patrick says with an eye roll.

"Oh, the last thing I remember was he came to rescue me,"

"Yeah and we came to. Followed you to the Quarry to make sure your okay and we arrive and I see Bill have you over his shoulder unconscious making some kind of speech to the clown. I was able to carve an H and an E on his damn stomach before the clown stopped me,"

"Wait..... Pennywise stopped you? The Pennywise stopped you? I thought he'd want to eat Bill,"

"Same but maybe it's the whole mates thing because he wanted to make sure you were okay first. I hate to say it but I can tell that the clown-"

"Pennywise," Michelle corrected causing Henry to roll his eyes.

"Pennywise really cares about you, I think hes honestly in love with you Michelle,"

"And I love him, so its mutual,"

"Still dont see how you love a fucking clown," Henry mumbled crossing his arms and pouting like a child.

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