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"Penny," Michelle complained trying to push him off.

Pennywise and Michelle were on the bed. He had his arms wrapped around her waist as his nose burried in the crook of her neck planting light kisses on them making it coated with drool as well.

"You smell so sweet I really wanna eat you Michelle," Pennywise says looking up at her.

"That's uhh..... nice to know? But you cant you said-"

"Yes, Yes I know my little human," he said getting off the bed.

"Where you going?"

"Pennywise hungry I dont wanna hurt ya, I will be back though,"

"Penny wait," Michelle tried but he was already gone again.

Michelle sighed as she got up from bed and went downstairs to find Henry with Belch, Victor, and Patrick. The four stopped talking once they saw her enter in the living room.

"Hey there future Mrs. Pennywise," Patrick began as Victor looked at him confused causing Henry to elbow Patrick in the ribs.

"Whose Pennywise? The fuck kind of a name is that?" Victor Questions confused.

"One of Michelle's fantasy boyfriends she has. Told Henry here all about him," Patrick lies with a smirk.

Victor laughed obviously  believing it.

"So because Henry won't let you have a boyfriend, you fantasize one instead? And named him Pennywise?"

"Uhhh..... Yeah. I just didn't think he'd tell anyone, kinda embarrassing,"

"Do you not know your own brother? Henry couldn't keep a secret even if you paid him,"

"True not too sure what I was thinking. Anyways I'm heading out,,"

"Ummm.... where you going?" Henry asks narrowing his eyes.

"To the Quarry, I gotta have some time to myself you know,"

"Alright dont be too long be back before dad gets home please, and be careful you know who to call if your in any kind of danger,"

"Yes sir. Mr. Henry sir," Michelle saluted causing the gang to chuckle before she left the house.

Michelle almost forgot about Victor, he hasn't been around much recently  not since the party and she forgot he never once saw or even heard of Pennywise and because of that the gang has to keep him secret....... Until Patrick ruined it at least. Nearing the Quarry she could hear laughter and fun music going on as she stepped out into the clearing causing the boys and Beverly to look straight at her and quiet down. It was quiet and awkward until Richie stalked towards her and pushed her down.

"HEY RICHIE! YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK THAT IS?!" Stan yells out holding the back of Richies arms.

"Yeah Bowers fucked up sister whose in love with a FUCKING CLOWN THAT TERRORIZES US!"

"P-please let me explain-"

"Hey you know it's a good thing that she's in league with a clown,," Mike says as the group all stand up together stan being the only one freaking out.

"What are you guys doing? That's Michelle Bowers THE FUCKING Michelle Bowers!"

"S-S-Shut u-up Stan we f-fucking g-g-get it,"

"You have his heart and we have you," Beverly says laughing. "Its pretty fucked up really," she says stalking closer towards Michelle.

"Please you dont understand. Hes not that bad hes just hungry and a little crazy but honestly hes a good man at heart,"

"A man? Hes not a man if anything it's an IT, learn your facts Michelle," Ben hissed out with clenched fists.

Michelle was slowly backing away on the ground as the group kept advancing towards her.

"No please dont.... PENNYWISE!" She shouted as Beverly attempted to grab at her legs but she kicked her hands away and got up and started running having the group follow after her.

"PENNYWISE! PENNYWISE! AHHH!" Michelle yelped while she felt something hit her on the back of the head causing her to crash to the ground.

Michelle groaned as she saw a rock laying next to her.

"Guys this is so, so, so wrong," Stan says as Bill roughly picked her up.

"Its the only way to defeat it, I dont like  this either but I'm not going to be terrorized anymore,"

"Pennywise," Michelle muttered from Bill's shoulder as blood was dripping from her forehead.

Rustling could be heard from within the trees as the group looked around.

"The fuck was that?" Eddie asked taking a puff of his inhaler.

"SHE'S MINE!" Pennywise screamed out as the group screamed when he came running at them with large giant spider like legs.

Eyes On You (Pennywise)Where stories live. Discover now