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Patrick screamed as he was suddenly ripped off of Michelle and hit his back against the tree hard.

"SHES MINE!" Pennywise growled furiously as Patrick was getting up from the ground.

"W-What the fuck is this?" Be asked eyes darting to Michelle.

Pennywise growled and quickly got in Patrick's face placing him in a choke hold.

"You think you can steal what belongs to me pretty boy? Well think again," Pennywise growled opening his mouth wide as Patrick's eyes rolled in the back of his head as he began floating in the air.

"W-What did you do to him?"

He smirked.

"Don't worry about it dollface. Just know he ain't coming back unless if one of those guys are gay,"


"Don't worry about it come with me,"

"Penny I haven't seen you all week you can't just ask me to come with,"

"Best to make a decision now. I hear your brother,"

"MICHELLE! MICHELLE!" Michelle heard Henry, Belch and Victor yell from a distance.

"I-I- can't Pen my brother will kill himself trying to find me,"

"Good luck explaining what happened to Patrick," he said before vanishing behind her eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The gang shouted once they came near Michelle out of breath.

They looked at Patrick who was just floating in the air as his eyes were rolled to the back of his head. Henry looked at a frighten looking Michelle.

"Michelle are you okay what happened? I heard you screaming Where's the knife I gave you? What happened to Patrick?" Henry bombed her with questions as Victor and Belch tried getting Patrick down.

"I-I- OH HENRY!" Michelle shouted throwing her arms around him sobbing. "P-P-Patrick t-tried to sexually assault me! I- I tried cutting him but he swatted the knife from my hand and then this thing came and saved me,"

"What thing?"

"I-I- honestly can't tell you. I went hiding from Patrick when it showed up and knocked him off of me and when I came back Patrick was like that,"

Hey she couldn't tell Henry the whole truth right? He'd put her in the but house.

"Is there anyway to get him to come back from that?" He asks pointing at Patrick. "So I can beat him myself?"

"Umm... There's always one thing we can try,"


"One of you kissing-"

"No homo sorry," Belch and Victor said together as they were struggling to carry Patrick since he wouldn't stop  going in the air.


"Don't you even ask me that question," Henry glared as Michelle sighed.

"Fine I'll do it I guess," Michelle said as she began walking towards the boys who were holding Patrick.

In one quick motion she quickly kissed Patrick's lips and released him while wiping her mouth. A loud gasp was heard followed by a scream as Patrick woke up.

"Woah, woah, woah Patrick, Pat it's okay," Victor and Belch tried calming him down.

Patrick started screaming when he saw Michelle in front of him.

"G-Get that thing away from me!" Patrick shouted ar Michelle getting a rock about to throw it at her but Belch stopped him.

"Woah, woah hey man hey! Cut it out what the hell happened?"

"Doesn't matter what happened. The thing I'm most concerned about is why the hell you try sexually assaulting my sister?" Henry asked in a dark voice as he inched closer to him.

"H-Henry wait now she's in league with this clown thing! Shouldn't you be more concerned about that?"

"I don't give a fuck on what happened or who the hell saved her! I give a fuck about beating your ass right now!" .

"Henry wait-" Patrick tried but Henry had already thrown a punch at Patrick causing him to fall down as Henry tackled him to the ground.

A few dozen beat up laters Patrick was left half dead with a swollen eye, bloody nose and broken arm while Henry had a swollen eye and bloody knuckles.

"There that'll teach you next time not to fuck with my sister,"

"SHES A FREAK! SHE'S WITH A FUCKING CLOWN! A CLOWN!" Patrick sobbed before breaking down hysterically.


It was quiet on the way home as Belch had dropped off the siblings first.

"What the fuck happened Michelle?" Henry asked helping her inside.

"I told you, Patrick sexually assaulted me," she whispered.

"Then what?"

She shook her head.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, can we just leave it at that?"

"Yeah I guess," Henry said before placing her on her bed.

"Umm.... Look I shouldn't have left you alone it only took me awhile cause I saw those losers and-"

"It's okay Henry really. Go get rest you look like shit," she told him causing him to laugh.

"Same to you dork face," he laughed before leaving her alone.

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