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"You know I can get used to this if I'm gonna be honest with ya," Patrick says smirking as Michelle rolled her eyes.


"Well that clown sends me to the deadlights and you get to kiss me,"

"Patrick," Michelle warned as he put his hands up.

"Too soon got it,"

"So, what you see this time? Are your horrors over?"

"I guess so. I saw my baby brother Avery, he said he had forgave me for what I did and that he was happy I don't know if it was real or not but I'm not afraid anymore though, I don't see leeches anymore either,"

"Well I'm glad your okay then. Were gonna go who knows how long I have left with my sister," Henry says before taking Michelle as the two left Patrick alone.


"Where the hell have you two been?" A drunk Butch Bowers asked as the two walked in the house with sour looks on there faces.

"Just with friends dad, that's all,"

He chuckled.

"What friends could you possibly have? You think those boys really care about you? Your nothing and your sister is nothing but a play thing, a slut for them,"

"Dont talk to her like that," Henry mumbled looking down as Butch sat up from his chair and walked over to face him.

"What was that boy?"

"I said dont. Talk. To. Her. Like. That," Henry replies with gritted teeth.

Michelle screamed as Butch punched him in the face causing him to stumble back a bit in surprise, but that surprise soon turned into anger as he retaliated and punched him back.

"Your in for hell boy," Butch threatened as he was going to hit Henry again, but Michelle pushed him out the way and took the blow instead shocking everyone on site.

Michelle stumbled back and hit the ground as her nose was bleeding.

"The fuck Michelle?" Henry cussed pulling off his shirt and putting it up to Michelle's nose.

Butch spat at her feet.

"You may look like your mother but you'll never be anything like her," Butch said before leaving for the living room.

"You idiot why did you do that?" Henry asked sighing as he dabbed her nose with his shirt.

"Because I didn't want to see you get hurt Hen,"

"Does it hurt? It looks busted,"

"No I dont..... owww, okay owwww now it does I think the initial shock is over," Michelle says as she whimpered in pain.

"Okay let's get you to the hospital,"

"Ughh again?"

"Yes we need to see if its broken dumbass you shouldn't have done that,"

"I rather get hurt than see you get hurt,"

"And I rather get hurt than see you get hurt. I'm your big brother supposed to protect you," he mumbled the last part.

"Fine, take me to the hospital,"

"Great, I'll call Belch,"


"How did this sort of thing happen?" A nurse asked examining Michelle's nose as the siblings looked at each other.

"Uhhh..... Rough housing?" Michelle lied rubbing the back of her neck.

"Come on you two tell the truth,"

"Fine she snuck up behind me and I punched her nose by accident," Henry lied making the lie more believable.

"Now that I believe," the nurse says chuckling. "But not broken though and you got lucky for that Henry otherwise you'd be in a world of trouble, put an ice pack on it and the swelling should go down within a few days,"

"Okay thanks nurse, come on Belch," Henry says once the two walked out and he was in the waiting room.

Belch hasn't said a word since seeing Michelle, in fact Belch hasn't really been the same since seeing what he saw at the party. He honestly doesn't even know if it was real or not.

"Hey Henry stop for a second," Belch says causing them to stop in front of the trans Am.

"What Belch?"

"Are we going to pretend that what we saw at the party didn't exist?"

"What ya want me to say?" Henry asked looking down.

"Ask your sister about the fucking clown. Who the fuck  or what the fuck is it?"

"Its hard to explain," Henry says looking down again.

"So, you know about it then?"

"Just recently after she came home a few days after the party,"

"Belch, if you want me to explain I suggest we go over to your house,"

He nodded as the three got in the car and left unaware that the losers were hiding behind the hospital and heard the whole thing.

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