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I knew he was coming for me so I did as the text said. I grabbed my black and cream vans backpack from my closet and started throwing in some essentials; some clean underwear, pyjamas, extra clothes, my makeup bag, hair accessories, phone charger and a few other things I thought I might need for this 'adventure'.

An hour or so after dinner I heard a knock on my window, I climbed off my bed and went over to the window to see Tom and some other man. I quickly wrote a letter telling my mum that I would be fine (even though I probably wouldn't be) and that I'd be home again soon (very unlikely). I slipped on my wrecked white converse and quietly walked downstairs but my mum caught me trying to sneak out. Unlucky. I ended up lying to her and telling her I was going to see my friend and would be staying the night. She nodded letting me go. I headed outside to be greeted by Tom. He glared at me as I got into the back of his black BMW and we drove off.
"This is jake," he said pointing to this mystery jake guy sitting beside him in the passenger seat. "He's going to be taking care of you while I take care of some other business," Tom continued, a slight smirk appearing.

We stopped outside tom's apartment and all three of us walked inside.

"Home sweet home," I said while sighing. Both jake and Tom glared at me, "what? Well I've been here plenty of times, it's basically my 2nd home!" I said while dropping my bag next to the couch and sitting down.
Jake soon came and sat down beside me and I instantly wanted to move away. He pulled me into his lap and I started feeling even more uncomfortable. I also felt like I was crushing him but he didn't seem to notice.
Tom informed me that he would be staying for the first few days just to make sure I was 'behaving' and also so I could get to know jake a little better before I was left alone with him.
One of the worst things was Tom made me sleep with jake in his bed, which totally creeped me out to be honest. It was a double bed at least.

Jake has dark brown chocolate eyes and dark brown hair. He's about 5.7. He's covered in tattoos, has multiple piercings and has both ears stretched. He's actually quite good looking.

It was now about 8.30pm and Tom ordered us dominos pizza because neither jake or tom had eaten yet. We finished off the pizzas then tom asked me for my phone. I handed it over reluctantly, I knew I would get it back eventually. Hopefully.

At 9.10pm I was sent to bed. Wow. Seriously who goes to bed this early? Well I certainly don't! I grabbed my bag and walked into Jake's bedroom. I dumped my bag on his bed, grabbed something to sleep in and went to the bathroom beside his room. I locked the door and started taking off my makeup. After that I decided to take a quick shower. I washed my hair and body and got out of the shower. I put on my pyjamas which consisted of a pair of nike running shorts, an old oversized band tee and one of my friend's hoodies that was also to big for me. I dried my hair with the hairdryer that was in the bathroom and put it into a messy high ponytail. I grabbed my dirty clothes and went back into jake's room. I shoved my clothes back into my bag. I looked at jake's alarm clock which read 9.59pm. Wow I was expecting it to be much later than that.
I decided to try and sneak back into the kitchen to get a glass of water but was caught as soon as I left the bedroom.

-The apartment was quite a good size, when you walk in through the front door you walk into the living area/dining area, the kitchen is off to the right from the living room,then off to left there is a short corridor leading to 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. -

Jake had caught me. I felt awkward because I knew he was checking me out. After a while he finally asked me where I was going, I simply replied with "I need a drink," and I walked off towards the kitchen. I got myself a glass of water and left the kitchen. Tom was staring at me as I walked past making me feel very self-conscious, well I had been stupid enough to wear skin tight running shorts so what did I expect?

"You've got a great figure" Tom smirked as I walked past. I felt my cheeks burn a little as I put my middle finger up at him. I headed down the corridor walking into jake's bedroom forgetting he was in there.
When I opened the door and saw jake standing in his boxers I quickly covered my eyes and walked out again shouting,
"sorry I forget you were in there."

Being embarrassed was an understatement of how I felt right now. I sat outside the door for about 5 minutes.

Maybe all of this wouldn't be so bad after all.

This is a long chapter to make up for the last chapter being so short:-)

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