T w e n t y - s i x

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We sat cuddled in the corner for about an hour. Yeah, so soon. Not.
I really hope Brad's band are on their way. What if we're stuck here for days?

The door creaked open, making me jump a little,

"Anna, come her." It was the same man as before. I gently kissed Brad's forehead in a comforting way before getting up and following him outside.

I was stood outside a door down the hall from where I spent the night past hour. I slowly twisted the door noob, pushing it open slightly. I walked inside scared for my life. And there he was. He was sitting like nothing had happened. I assumed that he had beaten Brad up. How could he?! I was furious, scared and fed up.

"Miss me?" He smirked.

"I did, but now I wish you were really dead." I said angrily not regretting a thing. He just rolled his eyes at me.

"You don't know the whole story. Now are you going to give your big brother a hug or not?" He smiled as he got up from his seat.

As soon as he wrapped his arms around me, I melted. All my worries faded and all the anger towards him disappeared.

"I love you so much." He mumbled, "I know I haven't shown it much but i was an awful influence on you, I had to leave. Look at you now, you've got amazing grades and probably a great life!"

"I wish. I haven't been to school in weeks. I've been on the run with 3 wanted criminals and to make things even more complicated I've fallen in love with one of them. Mum has basically thrown me out and I'm wearing the same clothes from yesterday. Not the best life."

"Wait what? Wanted criminals! What the f*ck are you doing with your life?!" He shouted quietly so no one else would hear, even though they probably did.

"What I want to do with it! Now you've got me thinking, I don't actually know why they 'kidnapped' me. I thought it was about the drugs but they never brought it up." I sat down as I was deep in my thoughts, trying to figure it out.

"You were kidnaped by wanted criminals! Omg I'm so glad your safe now," he kissed my forehead, "did they hurt you?" He asked softly.

"Nope."I shook my head. "When can I go home, I have things to do and people to see."

"Soon. I'm going to go home and crash there for a while. Promise me you'll stay in touch?" He asked genuinely.

"Certainly, I go home quite often for clothes and stuff so I'll see you then." He smiled and nodded, "why did you beat Brad up?"

"He insulted my family, he said and did things he shouldn't have. I had to protect them." He said in as little detail as possible.

"You have a family?" I was shocked.

"2 best friends and 2 twins who were thrown out on the streets by their mom, I took them in and were basically brothers now."

Idk where Brad and the rest of the vamps came from tbh. They might be in the next chapter but that'll probably be it. Idk why beau's in it either tbh, he was just a plot twist😂.

I most definitely failed my exams today😂oops

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