T h i r t y

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6 months later

Jake gets out of prison today. The past 6 months I have spent with Casey and Sam. I relapsed a week after Jake went to prison but Casey caught me. Now I've been getting better.

I was sitting in the living room waiting for Casey to finish doing his hair. I was wearing my black skinny jeans, a flowy cream top, one of Jake's checked shirts over the top and my dark red vans.

Sam, Casey and I drove to the prison. We walked into the old and cold building and were greeted by an officer.

"Family of Mr. Sims?" He asked. We all nodded, "follow me."

As soon I set eyes on him, I feel in love all over again.
"Anna!" He shouted, tears filing both our eyes as we ran towards each other. We kissed passionately until we could no longer breathe. Jake man-hugged Casey and Sam before grabbing my hand and that's when I knew everything would be alright.

The wedding

Jake and I decided that since he proposed to me in the most unromantic place, that we could get married in the most unromantic and unusual place possible. In total there would only be 6 of us.
We decided to get married at the police station, because why not?

The wedding was casual wear, I was wearing a burgundy skater dress and Jake was wearing black skinny jeans and a random muscle tee.

My little sister Sophie was our bridesmaid, Tom and Sam were Jake's best men and Casey was taking the place of my dad and giving me away.

Casey and I walked down the long room, our arms linked.

"Omg it's such a long walk!" Casey whispered making me laugh quietly.
We reached everyone else and Casey let go of my arm.

"You look stunning as always." Jake smiled.

"Thank you, you look as handsome as ever." I smiled back.

"Today we are gathered.." The priest began, "Jake sims, do you take Anna to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Anna, do you Jake sims to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest smiled happily. Jake pulled me in for a sweet and gentle kiss while the others cheered. And with that I had married the man of my dreams.

I'm officially the happiest person in the universe and I'm glad I never read the terms and conditions.

This is officially the end! I'm thinking about writing a short sequel, I'm just trying to think of what should happen in it😂if you have any good ideas dm me pls❤️

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There were over 19,000 words in this story👀 not including my author notes at the end of each chapter

I'm also going to be starting another fan-fiction about the vamps soon so yeah😏 watch out for that!

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