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What?! He can't do this to me! He can't keep me away from my family!

"What you can't do that!"

"I think you'll find I can because you agreed when you started all this!" He said smirking.
I stormed off locking myself in the bathroom. I slid down the back of the door as I started crying. Why did I have to mess everything up? My mum is going to be going crazy. What if I never see her again? Or what will happen to me if she calls the police?

I stood up at looked at myself in the mirror, my makeup was smeared all over my face, my eyes were red and puffy and tears were still streaming down my face. I washed off my makeup and tied my hair into a messy bun.
A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I said sniffing.
"Jake," he said from the other side of the door. I opened the door letting jake in. As soon as he got in he pulled me into a massive hug.
I started crying into his chest. We stood hugging for about 10 minutes. A little later jake picked me up as I put my legs around his waist and he carried me into his room.

Jake set me down on the bed pulling the covers up over me. Then he stripped off his shirt before joining me in bed. He pulled me closer to him, my head resting against his chest, i listened to his heart beat for awhile before I drifted off to sleep.

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I wrote this chapter at 2am, in bed, on my phone but fell asleep writing it, oops... That's why it's so short sorry.

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