T w e l v e

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I was woken up to the sound of an alarm clock and muffled voices.

"C'mon sleeping beauty, get up! It's 9am" I opened my eyes, squinting a little to jake staring down at me. I sat up a bit before getting up. "Oh and you should pack your bags we're leaving at 12pm." He ordered before leaving the bedroom.

Great I guess we're flying to Northern Ireland then. One of the main reasons we were going to Northern Ireland was that it wasn't seen as the place for us to flee to. As the boys had explained, the police would have bigger search parties in bigger countries and it was too much of a risk to fly to France because they had been previously caught going there but that's a completely different story! Northern Ireland was an easy target apparently because it wasn't seen as a big threat, well guess who was wrong?

I hopped in the shower washing my hair and body before getting out. I blow-dried my hair and put on a little bit of makeup. I put in my hazel coloured contacts and left the bathroom. I got dressed into a pair of black leggings, a bright summery crop top and my White converse. I tried to pack my stuff as nearly as I could but ended up being a mess. Once I had finished I went looking for the others.
I found Casey standing In front of the mirror in his bedroom struggling to put in his contacts while Tom and jake were on their laptop.

"You packed your stuff yet princess?" I heard jake say looking up from the laptop screen. I blushed a little at the name as I nodded my head.
I walked over to Casey to help him with his left contact as he was struggling greatly.

It was now 11.30am and we were carrying our bags out to the car while Tom checked us out of the hotel. We sat in the car waiting, jake and I were in the back again and Casey was in the passenger seat.

"What lovely blue eyes you have jake,"I said laughing, "I'm only joking I hate them!" I laughed at jake pretending to be hurt by my comment.

"It's okay I hate your brown eyes too" he backfired trying to keep a straight face but couldn't.

"I guess we're even then," I laughed.

Tom jumped into the car and started the engine. The drive to the airport was quiet and took about 30minutes. Once we arrived and Tom had parked he started talking,

"Okay listen up, we're going to have to spilt up to go through security because if we all go together we'll get caught to easily. Casey your with Anna and I'm with jake. We'll meet up before getting onto the plane, got it?" We all nodded before getting out. Casey and I grabbed our bags before walking into the airport. I quickly glanced around to see jake and Tom walking quite far behind. We put our suitcases onto the conveyor belt thingy that would take them to the plane. As we were walking to security Casey grabbed my hand. I know he grabbed my hand to make sure I didn't run off but no offence If I was going to try and escape I would have tried it a long time ago. I've had plenty of chances but something inside stops me every time. It's like I just want have an adventure to tell people about when I'm old, that's all it is though, isn't? Or is it jake?

ooh cliffhanger!

Sorry I haven't been so updating as much lately, i've been getting tonnes of homework and i have exams soon and its nearly christmas and i only put my christmas decorations up today and everything's so stressful rn. I'm going to stop making up excuses now😂

️I hit 1000 views!!😍wow thank you so much to everyone who has read this! I love you💝

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